I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Twente (the Faculty of Behavioural, Management, and Social Sciences (BMS), Financial Engineering Group).

I hold a PhD in Finance from the University of Leicester (UK) and an MSc in International Business Studies and Economics, Department of Economics, Linnaeus
University, Sweden. I also studied Philosophy of AI Foundations at  Umea University, Sweden.

Before joining the University of Twente, I held the position of a Lecturer in Finance at the Department of Economics, Finance, and Accounting at the University of Leicester. 


  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance

    • Information
    • Measure of Dispersion
    • Tax Avoidance
    • Instrumental Variable Analysis
    • Propensity Score Matching
    • Excess Volatility


My research is embracing human decision making and information processing under uncertainty and risk. My current research interests are in the area of behavioural finance and investments.

Some of my current research projects are: decision-making and risk preferences in investment related choices, agents' expectations and asset price formation, mathematical models of contextual preferences.

 In 2019 I received a BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant to conduct experiments related to financial decision making. 


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