Prof. P.P.C.C. (Peter-Paul) Verbeek (1970) is Rector Magnificus and member of the Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam.

Verbeek is also Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Science and Technology in a Changing World at the University of Amsterdam. His research and teaching focus on the relationship between humans and technology, viewed from an ethical perspective.

Until October 2022, he was Distinguished Professor of Philosophy of Technology at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Twente, where he was chair of the Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations research group and co-director of the DesignLab of the University of Twente. He was also honorary professor of Techno-Anthropology at Aalborg University, Denmark.

He is currently one of the six principal investigators of a 10-year research program on the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDiT). He is also chair of the UNESCO World Commission for the Ethics of Science and Technology (COMEST) and chair of the ECP guidance committee on Ethics and Digitization. He also served, among other things, as vice-chairman of the board of the Rathenau Institute and chairperson of the KNAW Commission on the Freedom of Science.

Verbeek is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation and the Royal Holland Society of Sciences. Between 2013 and 2015 he was President of the Society for Philosophy and Technology; between 2011 and 2013 he was chairperson of ‘The Young Academy’, an independent division of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

His work has received several awards, including a VENI award (2003), VIDI award (2007), VICI Award (2014), membership of The Young Academy (2009), the Borghgraef Prize in Biomedical Ethics 2012 (Leuven University), and the World Technology Award in Ethics 2016 (World Technology Network). 

Personal website: 


  • Computer Science

    • Design
    • Artifacts
    • Contexts
    • User
  • Social Sciences

    • Technology
    • Consumers
    • Approach
  • Arts and Humanities

    • Mediation




Research profiles

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

Current research projects (funded):

  • Toward a Theory of Technological Mediation.
    NWO-VICI funded project on the mediating role of technology in knowledge, ethics, and metaphysics. Researchers: Peter-Paul Verbeek (PI), Bas de Boer (PhD candidate), Jonne Hoek (PhD candidate), Olya Kudina (PhD candidate), Nicola Liberati (postdoc), Jan Peter Bergen (postdoc)
  • BRIdging Data in the built Environment (BRIDE)
    Dr. M. Nagenborg (UT), P.P.C.C. Verbeek (UT), Prof. dr. G.W. Kortuem (TUD), Prof. dr. mr. ir. N. Doorn (TUD) and N. Meratnia (UT)
    In the BRIDE-project, a team of philosophers, designers and computer scientists investigates how a 3D bridge can enhance citizens’ experience of “cityness”. The bridge, which is equipped with sensors, can respond to citizens’ interaction with the bridge. This will allow for the creation of new forms of smart urban space. Consortiumpartners: MX3D, Foundation for Responsible Robotics and Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions
  • Designing for Controversies in Responsible Smart Cities M.C. van der Voort (UT), Dr. M.L. de Lange (UU) and P.P. C.C. Verbeek (UT)
    As Amersfoort Municipality is building a new Internet of Things infrastructure, this consortium of public-private partners wants to develop a government-citizen-academic-industry collaboration platform that allows a wide range of stakeholders in a series of co-design sessions to discuss ethical, juridical, and social controversies, and foster broader support. Consortiumpartners: Gemeente Amersfoort, Marxman Advocaten, Aerovision, Kennislab voor Urbanisme and Design Innovation Group


  • Responsible design of drones and drone services (finished 2017)
    NWO-MVI (Responsible Innovation) funded project to develop an ethical and legal tool for the responsible design and use of drones and drone services. Researchers: Lesley Broos (UT), Michiel Heldeweg (UT), Irna van der Molen (UT), Peter-Paul Verbeek (UT), Peter Novitzky (UT), Haomiao Du (UT)
  • The Relational and Performative Abilities of Things (finished 2016)
    NWO-Artistic Research funded project about the role of objects in human existence. Funded by NWO: PhD in the Fine Arts. Researcher: Yvonne Dröge Wendel, PhD candidate.
  • Technology and the Limits of Humanity (finished 2013).
    An inquiry into the anthropological and ethical aspects of technologies that affect the human being, like brain implants, pre implantation diagnistics, prostheses, and psychofarmaca. Which new relations between humans and technologies arise here, which ethical questions are connected to them, and which role can the philosophy of technology play here? (NWO-VIDI project). Investigators: Lucie Dalibert (PhD candidate), Theo Wobbes (PhD candidate), Peter-Paul Verbeek (researcher, supervisor/promotor)
  • Telecare at Home (finished 2013).
    Research project about telecare and its implications for the practices and experiences of patients and healthcare professionals. Part of the interdisciplinary research project Telecare at Home, directed by Nelly Oudshoorn, funded by NWO: Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Innoveren (Socially Responsible Innovation). Researchers: Nelly Oudshoorn (UT), Ivo Maathuis (UT), Val Jones (UT), Asle Kiran (postdoc), Peter-Paul Verbeek (researcher)
  • Theory and Ethics of Behavior-Influencing Technology (finished 2012).
    An investigation of behavior-influencing technology and its ethical aspects. Funded by IOP-IPCR (Innovative Research Projects – Integral Product Creation and Realisation). Part of the 3TU project Design for Usability. Researchers: Steven Dorrestijn (PhD candidate), Peter-Paul Verbeek (researcher).
  • Technology and the Matter of Morality (finished 2008).
    NWO-VENI project on the moral significance of technology and its implications for ethical theory, practical ethics, and technology development. Researcher: Peter-Paul Verbeek

Video lectures, TV performances and interviews

In the press



Radio and TV

  • Podcast serie De Bionische Mens (BNR, Robin Rotman, zomer 2018; 10 afleveringen:
  • (Dutch) Discussion panelist after television lecture of the future of technology by Robbert Dijkgraaf (DWDD University, 9 Jan 2019):
  • Ethiek en technologie: de invloed op het onderwijs (Podcast Kennisnet, 9 dec 2018:
  • TV college over Michel Foucault (Kwartslag, nov 2017)
  • Interview in aflevering van zesdelige reeks De volmaakte mens (Bas Heijne, juni 2016)
  • Interview in aflevering Tegenlicht over de ethiek van drones (april 2016)
  • Interview RTL Z, Nanotechnologie en het lichaam. 28 Oct 2015,
  • 23 nov 2014: radio-interview Grenzen van de mens: allemaal cyborg. Reeks Vesalius te lijf. Klara, VRT Radio, BelgiĂ«
  • Het Filosofisch Kwintet, over technologie en moraal. HUMAN, Nederland 1 (18 april 2014)
  • radio-interview OBA Live, door Theodor Holman (18 april 2014)
  • radio-interview Nooit Meer Slapen, door Peter van der Wielen (15 april 2014)
  • televisie-interview over ‘Op de vleugels van Icarus’, VPRO Boeken, door Wim Brands (6 april 2014)
  • nieuwsitem RTV Oost ‘Anderhalf miljoen subsidie voor professor Verbeek UT’(29 januari 2014)
  • Verantwoordelijkheid en de zelfrijdende auto. Kettingvraag Hoe?Zo! radio. NTR, 22 Oct 2013.
  • Television lecture on Heidegger. HUMAN: Durf te denken (incl promo / mini lecture on YouTube), 2 Oct 2013
  • radio-interview about human-robot relations (with prof. Vanessa Evers), VPRO: Villa VPRO, 8 Aug 2013
  • radio-interview OBA Live (Theodor Holman), Radio 5, 20 Feb 2013
  • kettingvraag Hoe?Zo! radio, NTR, 22 Oct 2012
  • rerun of radio-interview Casa Luna, NCRV, Radio 1, 22 Aug 2011
  • radio interview ‘Twee dingen’, omroep Max, Radio 1, 19 July 2011
  • television interview Boeken, VPRO, Nederland 1, 11.20 uur, 8 May 2011
  • radio interview Casa Luna, radio 1 (NCRV) because of the presentation of my book De Grens van de Mens, 15/16 April 2011
  • radio interview Hoe?Zo! radio, 25 April 2011
  • interview in De Andere Wereld (IKON, Radio 5, 7 – 8 uur), 3 April 2011
  • interview as ‘meedenker’ of website ‘Dus ik ben’, 7 March 2011
  • research portrait for KNAW by MediaRidders / FastFacts: Hoe denken we na over de maakbare mens? (at ,,, and com), 2010
  • Interview radio programme De Andere Wereld: Ethische aspecten van hersenimplantaten. IKON, Radio 5, 17 Oct 2010 (Dutch National radio)
  • Interview Labyrint radio: Kernenergie en de bedreigingen van technologie. Radio 1, VPRO, 10 Oct 2010 (Dutch National radio)
  • Monthly commentator in opinion programme Altijd Wat (NCRV, Nederland 2), Sept 2010 – Feb 2011
  • Radio interview (1 uur), Schepper&co, Radio 5 (Dutch national radio), 18 July 2010
  • radio interview Noorderlicht Radio (science magazine), Elektroden in het Brein. Radio 1, 11 Mar 2010
  • Radio interview Pieter van der Wielen, ‘Mens en techniek’. In: Noorderlicht, VPRO, 14 October 2009
  • Television interview Wim Brands, ‘De maakbare mens’. In: Boeken, VPRO, 11 October 2009
  • Radio discussion in Hoe?Zo! Radio: De toekomst van de evolutie. Radio 1, 10 Jan 2009
  • Radio discussion about Evolution theory and the future of humanity. Hoe?Zo! Radio, Radio 1, 10 Jan 2009 (Dutch national radio)
  • Radio discussion about ethics and technology, Desmet Live, 28 maart 2008 (Dutch national radio)
  • Radio interview science magazine ‘HoeZo’ (747 AM, 9 maart 2006) (Dutch national radio)
  • Radio interview about the 50th anniversary of the microchip. Tros Nieuwsshow, Radio 1, 13 September 2008 (Dutch national radio)


Newspaper and magazine interviews

  • Interview ‘Black Mirror als techniekfilosofie‘. De Volkskrant, Augustus 2018.
  • Interview ‘De Mens is een technisch wezen‘. Joke Goovaerts in
  • Interview ‘Samenwerken met robots: kunstmatige intelligentie verandert de arbeidsmarkt‘. SER Magazine, Feb 2018
  • Interview ‘Wij hebben geen klauwen en dus hebben we een iPhone‘. NRC Handelsblad, wetenschapsbijlage, 6 okt 2017
  • Interview ‘Technology Mediation: How Technology Organizes Human-World Relations‘. Fatum 6 July 2017
  • ‘Tijd om dingen serieus te nemen‘, interview De Correspondent, door Lynn Berger, 29 april 2016
  • ‘Robots zijn er en er komen er meer”. Interview Het Parool, 6 Sept 2016
  • ‘We kijken hier over de rand van de toekomst’. Interview met Liesbeth Wytzes, Elsevier Juist, Dec 2015, pp 14-18.
  • “Freedom does not come for free”. Publication of my talk at the opening of the academic year University of Amsterdam. Science Guide, 1 Sept 2015.
  • ‘Techniek blijkt altijd weer onbeheersbaar’. Interview door Jeroen Hopster, Delta Lloyd Magazine / NRC Handelsblad, 4 april 2015
  • interview in ‘Design For the Good Society’, NAI Press, 3 april 2015
  • ‘Bedrijfsleven ook niet gebaat bij dit marktdenken’. Interview door Thieu Vaessen, Financieel Dagblad, 4 maart 2015
  • Interview ‘Meer vrouwen in de wetenschap vergt andere mannelijke rolmodellen’, NRC Handelsblad, 8 feb 2015
  • interview ‘ICT wordt een middel om gedrag te beĂŻnvloeden’, door Mirjam Hulsebos, ICT magazine (vakblad), 1 okt 2014
  • interview ‘Kijkje in de zaadcel: wat doen we ermee?’, door Sebastien Valkenberg. Trouw, 30 april 2014
  • interview ‘Vertrouw je toe aan technologie’, door Rien van den Berg. Nederlands Dagblad, 25 april 2014
  • interview ‘De Google bril haalt onze moraal overhoop’, door Theo Krabbe. Wegener dagbladen, bijlage Spectrum (12 april 2014)
  • interview ‘Wij zijn techniek’, door Maarten Keulemans. De Volkskrant, bijlage Sir Edmund (4 april 2014)
  • ‘Wij zijn technische wezens’. Interview door Inge Schelstraete in De Standaard(3 april 2014)
  • interview over VICI subsidie. ‘Welk land geeft nou anderhalf miljoen aan een filosoof?’. Filosofie Magazine (8 februari 2014)
  • ’Technitis’. Interview Ellen de Visser. De Volkskrant, wetenschapsbijlage, 7 september 2013
  • interview Jurgen Tiekstra: Steeds minder mens?. Volzin 9 Nov 2012
  • interview Technology and Morality, Figure / Ground, July 2012
  • interview Vrij Nederland: Het lab van de mensverbetering, 31 maart 2012
  • interview ‘De opwindende samenhang tussen wetenschap en samenleving’. Door RenĂ© Leverink. LRPLN 2012/10, pp. 26-31
  • interview Maarten Keulemans: ‘Ik, de cyborg’. Volkskrant, pp. 14-15, 7 Aug 2011
  • interview Christiaan Jongeneel: ‘Technologie stuurt het filosofisch debat’. De Ingenieur, nr. 10/11, p. 52-55, July 2011
  • article about lecture ‘Management tussen beheersen en beheren’ (Focus Seminars), Dagblad Trouw, 14 July 2011
  • interview Frank Meester: ‘Sleutelen aan de mens – tot hoever gaan we?’, Filosofie Magazine, 3 June 2011
  • book review by Hans Achterhuis of De Grens van de Mens: ‘Versmelting van Mens en Techniek’. De Volkskrant, 28 mei, Boeken, p. 9, 28 May 2011
  • Interview Maartje Somers, “Ik ben allergisch voor conservatisme”, NRC Handelsblad, 21 April 2011
  • Interview “Sleutelen aan mensen”, Anne Velthausz, TC Tubantia, 16 April 2011
  • Interview Anna Luyten: het mensbeeld van drie Nederlandse filosofen, Vrij Nederland, 2 April 2011
  • Jan Hoogland and Aart Deddens: interview ‘Ethiek is een flexibel fundament’. In: Beweging 74:1 (Nanospecial), pp. 14-15, April 2011
  • Nico Dullemans: interview ‘Ons geweten zit steeds meer ook in onze omgeving’. In: Nico Dullemans e.a. (red.), Katholieke scholen: onderwijs kan niet zonder filosofie. Woerden: Bond KBVO, 2010
  • Karen Geurtsen: interview ‘Wij zijn van nature kunstmatig’. In: HP | De Tijd, 17 September 2010, pp. 6 – 9 (20-year anniversary issue)
  • Floor van den Hout: interview ‘Homo Sapiens 2.0’. In: Quest, June 2010, pp. 32-37
  • Henk van der Laan: interview ‘Nieuwe techniek vraagt nieuwe ethiek’. In: Friesch Dagblad, 25 Feb 2010
  • Article Theo Krabbe, ‘De grens van de mens’. In: Twentsche Courant Tubantia, 17 Oct 2009
  • Article Willem Bouwman, ‘Ethici voeren de verkeerde discussie’. In: Nederlands Dagblad 16 Oct 2009
  • Nico Dullemans (2009), ‘Ons geweten zit steeds meer in onze omgeving’. Interview door Nico Dullemans, in: Schoolbestuur 2010 : 2, pp. 20-22. Herdrukt in: N. Dullemans e.a. (red.), Katholieke scholen: onderwijs kan niet zonder filosofie. Woerden: Bond KBVO, 2010
  • Fenny Brandsma (2009), ‘Ethiek moet ervoor zorgen dat de techniek ons “goed” doet’. Interview by Fenny Brandsma, in: Een verkenning van de grenzen: ethische overwegingen bij zorg op afstand. Utrecht: Provincie Utrecht (no ISBN), pp. 50-54
  • Interview Will Bax, ‘De moraal van een wasmachine’. In: Brabants Dagblad, 28 Feb 2009
  • Interview Maaike Platvoet, ‘De techniek bepaalt wie we zijn’. In: UT Nieuws, 29 Jan 2009
  • Peter Giesen, De chip is meer mens geworden. In: De Volkskrant, Kennis, 30 Aug 2008 (Dutch national newspaper)
  • Marco Krijnsen, Waarom de hazenlip zeldzaam wordt. In: Twentsche Courant Tubantia, 31 Aug 2008 (Dutch regional newspaper)
  • Interview Robin Kawakami, Genetic Arms Race: How Perfect Do We Really Want To Be? In: Amsterdam Weekly 5:19 (2008), pp. 4-5
  • Interview Irene de Pous, ‘Technologie verandert onze waarden’. In: Trouw, 17 maart 2008 (Dutch national newspaper)
  • Interview Erica Meijers, ‘De moraal van de tomaat. Interview met techniekfilosoof Peter-Paul Verbeek’. In: De Helling 2007-3
  • Interview Laura van Baars, ‘Van de vader moet je het niet hebben’. In: Trouw, 11 oktober 2007 (Dutch national newspaper)
  • Interview Serge Mouthaan, ‘Mag de robot mijn oma verzorgen?’. In: De Volkskrant, 30 maart 2007 (Dutch national newspaper)


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