His research interests include social theory and methodology, knowledge and normativity, theories of action and institutionalization, phenomenology, philosophical anthropology, and the sociologies of science, governance, innovation and citizenship, as well as that of music.
Peter is member of the Executive Committee of the Eu-SPRI Forum
Current research projects:
- DiscGo: The Governance of Discontinuation of Socio-technical Systems, their Infrastructures and Regimes (Open Research Area NWO-DFG-ANR-ESCR) [LINK][LINK]
- E-Car Culture: Doing electric automobility as an Element of Mundane Energy Transition (own resources)
Finished research projects at STePS:
- 2024 Annual Conference of the “European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation” (Eu-SPRI Forum) at University of Twente (5-7 June 2024)
- InnoForESt - Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services (H2020-RUR-2016-2017/H2020-RUR-2017-1) [LINK]
- EU-MACS: European Market for Climate Services (H2020-SC5-03-2016) [LINK]
- ResAGorA: Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame. A Constructive Socio-normative Approach (7th EU Framework Programme) [LINK]
- VERA: Forward Visions on the European Research Area (7th EU Framework Programme) [LINK]
- RIF: Research and Innovation Futures 2030: From explorative to transformative scenarios (7th EU Framework Programme) [LINK]
- NanoNextNL, 1C program-level activities (STW) [LINK]
Current research interest:
1. Governance in Action
1.1 The Discontinuation of Socio-Technical Regimes [LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK]
1.2 Innovation in Technoscience-based and Ecosystem-based Services [LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK]
1.3 Governance of socio-technical systems: energy, sustainability, consumer products [LINK, LINK]
1.4 Innovations of Intermediary Institutions in Science Governance [LINK]
1.5 Governance of Life-Sciences, ELSI/ELSA Genomics, and Nanotechnology [LINK, LINK]
1.6 Normativity in Law, Science, Technology, Innovation and Research [LINK, LINK, LINK]
1.7 Office Studies (an approach to study bureaucratisation, administration and bureauisation beyond public/business administration) [LINK]
2. Theory
2.1 Interactionist Governance Theory; governance-in-action [LINK]
2.2 ANT, the Sociology of Knowledge and of Governance
2.3 Mundane Phenomenology and Governance [LINK]
2.4 Mundane Phenomenology and Technology [LINK, LINK]
3. Methodology
3.1 Explorative-Interpretative Research [LINK]
3.2 Grounded Theory Approach
3.3 Hermeneutic Interpretation in general, of multi-lingual data in particular [LINK]
3.4 Hermeneutic Interpretation of Web Contents [LINK]
3.5 Situational Analysis
3.6 Praxeography [LINK]
3.7 Constructive Innovation Assessment & Constructive Technology Assessment [LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK]
3.8 Foresight [LINK, LINK]
4. Didactisation of research methods
4.1 Explorative-Interpretative Research Design [LINK]
4.2 Hermeneutic Data Interpretation [LINK]
4.3 Participation and Observation [LINK]
4.4 Explorative-Interpretative Governance Research [LINK]
4.5 Grounded Theory Approach
Peter also serves as reviewer of research projects for German Research Foundation (DFG), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and Polish National Science Centre (NCN), as well as for the journals ‘Research Policy’, 'Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions', 'Energy Research & Social Science', 'Human Studies', ‘Symbolic Interaction’, ‘Minerva’, 'Science as Culture', ‘Science and Public Policy’, ‘Environmental Science & Policy’, ‘Nordic Journal of Science and Technology’, 'Technovation', ‘Creativity and Innovation Management’, ‘Journal of Public Policy’, ‘Policy Sciences’, ’Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie’, ‘Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft’, ‘FQS Forum Qualitative Research’, Energy, Sustainability and Society, 'Policy & Society', 'Policy Sciences', 'Foresight', 'Climate Services', 'GAIA', 'Soziologische Revue', Journal of Responsible Innovation, and ‘Zeitschrift für Theoretische Soziologie’.
Currently taught courses:
- ‘Policy Analysis in Public and Technological Domains’, Masters Public Administration, Philosophy of Science and Technology in Society (with Barend van der Meulen)
- 'Deliberative Governance of Knowledge and Innovation', Masters Public Administration, Philosophy of Science and Technology in Society (with Esther Turnhout, Lodewijk Gelauff & Erik Fisher)
- 'Technologies in Use', Master Philosophy of Science and Technology in Society (with Alexandria Poole)
- ‘HTHT Minor Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical Change’ (module)/‘Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation’ (component) (with Kornelia Konrad & Sandra Calkins)
- ‘Research Methodology’, Master Philosophy of Science and Technology in Society (with Sandra Calkins)
- RESTS-IBA Module 11 CHANGEL sub-module ‘Strategic & Responsible Foresight’, Bachelor International Business Administration (with Barend van der Meulen, Andrea Kottmann)
- RESTS-CE Module 11 sub-module 'POK-Context'
- 'Discovering change', Honours Course Process of Change (with Michael Nagenborg)
- ‘Data Session’ [LINK, LINK]
- UT wide qualitative research coaching [LINK, LINK]
For the Datalab, he offers free support for those practicing qualitative research and computer-assisted data analysis with ATLAS.ti. [LINK].
BSc, MSc, and PhD topic areas:
1. The governance of the discontinuation of socio-technical systems
1.1 Vincent R. Visser: ‘The purposeful governance of technology discontinuation: An exploratory study on the discontinuation of the incandescent light bulb’ (2012, MSc PA/GKI, with co-supervisor Stefan Kuhlmann)
1.2 A. Katharina Schulte: ‘The light industry as actor and factor in the EU discontinuation of the incandescent light bulb’ (2015, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Stefan Kuhlmann)
1.3 Niels Oudelaar: ‘The role of NGOs in the EU Light Bulb ban process’ (2015, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Frans Coenen)
1.4 Marita Bulten: ‘Understanding global discontinuation governance—An explorative study on the global mercury ban by the UN Minamata Convention’ (2016, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Stefan Kuhlmann)
1.5 Evert J. Swarts: ‘ICE transport discontinuation in the Netherlands: What is the the Dutch government doing about it?’ (2016, BSc BSK, with co-supervisor Ariana Need)
1.6 hilo Berns: 'The discontinuation of the Private Finance Initiative: an analysis of the UK's abolition of the PF2 model' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.7 Celina Jella Bomers: 'Discontinuation or extension - an explorative study on the discontinuation of interim storage for nuclear waste in Ahaus, Germany' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.8 Laura Vani Kesore: 'The discontinuation of the Airbus A380 product line - a multi-level perspective on governance actors in Germany' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.9 Hannah Michelle Kühn: '(De-)Legitimization strategy: The Discontinuation of Humanitarian Rescue Efforts in the Mediterranean' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.10 Carina Christin Liersch: 'Discontinuing coal in Germany - Keeping the forest above to phase out the coal below: An explorative study of the negotiation process in terms of interests, conflicts and coalitions' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.11 Lisa Adriana Pramann: 'Governing a Discontinuing EU Membership. An explorative study on the EU’s strategy and practise for organising the Brexit process' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.12 Saskia Boswinkel: 'The road to the National Prevention Agreement. A qualitative study of the political factors which resulted in the development of the National Prevention Agreement' (2019, BSc MST, co-supervisor with Harry de Boer)
1.13 Hanna Dittmar: ' Living in a Society without Cash - The Establishment of a Cash-Free Society in Germany and the Netherlands' (2019, BSc MST, co-supervisor with Harry de Boer)
1.14 Erik Schreiner: 'The exit from the G8 upper secondary school reform in Germany - a multiple case study' (2019, BSc MST, co-supervisor with Harry de Boer)
1.15 Esther Steverding: 'Step down - The way to the decision to end compulsory military service in Germany' (2019, BSc MST, co-supervisor with Harry de Boer)
2. Governance in action
2.1 Franziska C. Raspe: ‘The official positions of the AKP and CHP on Turkey’s EU accession process—a comparative study’ (2011, BSc ES, with co-supervisor Rob Hoppe)
2.2 Daniela K. Müller: ‘Arguments, strategies, roles: the legitimisation of Stuttgart 21’ (2010, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Stefan Kuhlmann)
2.3 Caro Valladares Pasquel: ‘Ecuadorian public policy towards the good living. An interpretive policy analysis from the large scale mining conflict’ (2013, MSc PA; co-supervisor with Ringo Ossewarde)
2.4 Diego Guerrero Melo: ‘A model of public intervention for music festivals as creative industries in small and medium-sized cities: an assessment of the case of Enschede’ (2013, MSc PA; co-supervisor with Gonzalo Ordóñez-Matamoros)
2.5 Casper van Hoorn: ‘Local climate change mitigation policy. Frame analysis of stakeholder views on local climate mitigation policy in the small Dutch municipalities Lingewaard and Renkum’ (2014, BSc BSK; co-supervisor with Thomas Hoppe and Pascal Zoetbrood)
2.6 Arjen van der Vegt: ‘Local climate change policy: a comparative analysis of climate mitigation- and adaptation policy between four municipalities in Twente, The Netherlands’ (2015, MSc PA; co-supervisor with Thomas Hoppe)
2.7 Jeroen Veenhuizen: ‘Political markets in Dutch Municipalities. An interpretative policy study of the cases Almere and Hengelo’ (2016, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Pieter-Jan Klok)
2.8 Alexander ter Avest: ‘Hoe de minister beweert te weten wat hij zegt. Een kwalititieve studie over hoe een politicus zijn realiteit communiceert’ (2016, BSc BSK, with co-supervisor Ariana Need)
2.9 Jelle Wigger: 'Developing digitalized academic-level lifelong learning in the Netherlands' (2021, BSc IBA, co-supervisor with Barend van der Meulen)
3. Practices and institutions of policing
3.1 Nicola A. Jenne: ‘Possible tensions between the protection of borders and human rights in the legal foundations of the external border agencies of the European Union and Australia’ (2013, MSc ES, with co-supervisor Klaus Schubert)
3.2 Mona I. Mester: ‘The administrative approach to organized crime: Exploring the possibility of implementation in the district Borken (Germany)’ (2016, MSc PA, co-supervisor with Annalisa Pelizza)
4. Governance of Knowledge and Innovation
4.1 Anna-Sophie Reinhardt: ‘Responsible research innovation and the systems of innovation approach within Horizon 2020’ (2014, BSc EPA, co-supervisor with Gonzalo Ordóñez-Matamoros)
4.2 Marc Hansmeier: ‘Are Clusters effective systems for Regional Innovation in North Rhine Westfalia? Illustrated on the AutoCluster.NRW’ (2015, BSc EPA, co-supervisor with Gerhard Wittkämper)
4.3 Jeroen Vonk: 'Organising the public value of Higher Education in blockchain' (2021, MSc PSTS-PA, co-supervisor with Barend van der Meulen)
4.4 Jurre Oosterwijk: 'A socio-technical governance perspective on the roles of the state in the governance of socio-technical change. The European Commission in the governance of Connected, Connective, Automated Mobility in the EU' (2023, MSc PSTS-PA, co-supervisor with Kornelia Konrad and Frans Coenen)
4.5 Raluca Lăzăreanu: 'Innovation Policies and Their Influence on the Innovation Capabilities of Knowledge-intensive Entrepreneurship Firms in the Region of North Brabant' (2023, MSc BA, co-supervisor with Tamara Oukes)
4.6 Luluk Aulianisa: 'An exploration on the role of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Framework In Indonesian Digital Entrepreneurshop' (2024, MSc PSTS-BA, co-supervisor with Kornelia Konrad and Igors Skyte)
5. Tentative governance of complex problems
5.1 Inge Rohaan: ‘Tthe influence of actors beliefs on unobvious policy decisions. Two cases of road developments in Dutch demographic decline regions’ (2017, MSc PA, co-supervisor with Frans Coenen)
5.2 Frederik Röse: 'Impact of Participatory Input on final Plan Decisions: An Investigation into the Role of Power and Local Knowledge in the Urban Development Project of the Hamburg Convention Center’s Expansion' (2019, MSc PA, co-supervisor with Frans Coenen)
5.3 Christina Karkalaki: 'The administrative fight against transport emissions' (2020, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Laura Maria Garcia)
5.4 Florian Helfrich: 'eGoBIT - Governance of Blockchain-based Infrastructure Transitions on Energy markets' (PhD thesis in preparation; daily supervisor with Stefan Kuhlmann as promoter)
5.5 Joost Kuijper: 'The struggle of regions for smart (re)specialisation. Tensions in the innovation system in East Netherlands' (PhD thesis in preparation; daily supervisor with Barend van der Meulen and Stefan Kuhlmann as promoters)
6. The governance of health, health policy, and health technology
6.1 Helene Fritzsche: ‘The impact of e-mental health interventions on access to mental healthcare in the European Union. A realist review’ (2016, BSc EPA, co-supervisor with Veronica Junjan)
6.2 Viktor Werner: ‘Sugar tax: The fiscalisation of childhood obseity?’ (2017, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Martin Rosema)
6.3 Davida Flinsenberg: 'Cognitive enabling technologies in the treatment of executive function deficit in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder' (2020, MSc PSTS, co-supervisor with Nils-Frederik Wagner)
7. Normativities, or: The daily re-invention of legal norms/regulations
7.1 Frauke de Kort: ‘Mensenrechteneducatie in Maatschappijleerboeken. Een case study’ (2016, Verslag van Onderzoek van Onderwijs voor de eerstegraadsbevoegdheid Leraar Voortgezet Onderwijs Maatschappijleer en Maatschappijwetenschappen, co-supervisor with Margarita Jeliazkova)
7.2 Grety Al Bazi: 'Het verhaal van de vluchtling: het gebruik van narratief leren in burgerschapsonderwijs' (2018, MSc PA, co-supervisor with Margarita Jeliazkova)
7.3 Charlotte C. L. Rettig: Perceptions of Women in Public leadership – Discussing the Imposter Phenomenon in the German News Media' (MSc PA, co-supervisor with Ringo Ossewaarde)
8. Science and Technology Studies
8.1 Tim Bussmann: 'Citizen perceptions on Biometrics: Surveillance or service?' (2020, MSC PA, co-supervisor with Ringo Ossewaarde)
8.2 Alina Carola Freiin von dem Bussche-Hünnefeld: 'Tweeting about Mars 2020: Good luck Percy! Humanising high tech in Twitter communication' (2021, BSc AT, co-supervisor with Cornelius Schubert)
8.3 Sujin Kim: Progressive Science, Racial Concepts: American Race and Ethnic Classifications, Technologies, and Discourse of Scientific Racism' (2022, MSc PSTS, co-supervisor with Michael Nagenborg)
8.4 Pablo Muñoz: '4.0 Engineering and Human Values - Managing Inductive Risk in the Use of Big Data Analytics for the Predictive Maintenance of Railway Systems' (2022, MSc PSTS, co-supervisor with Koray Koraca)
8.5 Muhammad Unggul Karami: 'Appropriating Cycling in Indonesia: Another Perspective on Technology Transfer' (2023, MSc PSTS, with co-supervisor Kornelia Konrad)
8.6 Annadi Muhammad Alkaf: 'Imaginaries Become Political: How Indonesia’s AI Imaginaries are Shaping State Technopolitics' (2024, MSc PSTS-PA, co-supervised with Andreas Weber and Saana Jukola)
8.7 Fenna Kwakernaak: 'Compelling Ideas: The EU's regulation of Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) as a Result of Compelling Ideas in the Policymaking Process and Technology Compelling Ideas' (MSc PSTS-PA; in preparation; with co-supervisor Shawn Donnelly)
8.8 Melissa K. Novitsky: 'Can AI help make us better humans? Exploring AI for enhanced moral education in early education' (2024, MSc PSTS; co-supervised with Anna Puzio)
Formerly, Peter was a researcher and lecturer at the Universities of Dortmund, Hagen and Düsseldorf, carrying out at the latter two the project ‘Law as a social practice—from everyday legal methods to a legal methodology for everyday work’ (2000–2004). After this, he worked as a lecturer and researcher in criminal and police sociology at the Ruhr University of Bochum, focusing especially on public security institutions (2004–2006). From 2007 to 2009 he held a post-doc position at the Centre for Society and Genomics, Radboud University Nijmegen. There, in the form of an institutional ethnography, he investigated how “society and genomics” research, education and dialogue activities (sometimes called ‘ELSA’ or ‘ELSI’ for ethical, legal, social aspects/implications) in the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom get conceptualized and organized, institutionalized and legitimized in everyday work—as science governance in action. Writing things up is still in progress though ...
Peter Stegmaier studied sociology, social psychology, law, and economics at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and at Goldsmiths’ College in London.
Social Sciences
- Governance
- Forests
- Climate
- Service Industries
- Policy
- Research
Computer Science
- Innovations
- Service
His research interests include social theory and methodology, knowledge and normativity, theories of action and institutionalization, phenomenology, philosophical anthropology, and the sociologies of science, governance, innovation and citizenship, as well as that of music.
Peter is member of the Executive Committee of the Eu-SPRI Forum
Current research projects:
- DiscGo: The Governance of Discontinuation of Socio-technical Systems, their Infrastructures and Regimes (Open Research Area NWO-DFG-ANR-ESCR) [LINK][LINK]
- E-Car Culture: Doing electric automobility as an Element of Mundane Energy Transition (own resources)
Finished research projects at STePS:
- 2024 Annual Conference of the “European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation” (Eu-SPRI Forum) at University of Twente (5-7 June 2024)
- InnoForESt - Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services (H2020-RUR-2016-2017/H2020-RUR-2017-1) [LINK]
- EU-MACS: European Market for Climate Services (H2020-SC5-03-2016) [LINK]
- ResAGorA: Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame. A Constructive Socio-normative Approach (7th EU Framework Programme) [LINK]
- VERA: Forward Visions on the European Research Area (7th EU Framework Programme) [LINK]
- RIF: Research and Innovation Futures 2030: From explorative to transformative scenarios (7th EU Framework Programme) [LINK]
- NanoNextNL, 1C program-level activities (STW) [LINK]
Current research interest:
1. Governance in Action
1.1 The Discontinuation of Socio-Technical Regimes [LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK]
1.2 Innovation in Technoscience-based and Ecosystem-based Services [LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK]
1.3 Governance of socio-technical systems: energy, sustainability, consumer products [LINK, LINK]
1.4 Innovations of Intermediary Institutions in Science Governance [LINK]
1.5 Governance of Life-Sciences, ELSI/ELSA Genomics, and Nanotechnology [LINK, LINK]
1.6 Normativity in Law, Science, Technology, Innovation and Research [LINK, LINK, LINK]
1.7 Office Studies (an approach to study bureaucratisation, administration and bureauisation beyond public/business administration) [LINK]
2. Theory
2.1 Interactionist Governance Theory; governance-in-action [LINK]
2.2 ANT, the Sociology of Knowledge and of Governance
2.3 Mundane Phenomenology and Governance [LINK]
2.4 Mundane Phenomenology and Technology [LINK, LINK]
3. Methodology
3.1 Explorative-Interpretative Research [LINK]
3.2 Grounded Theory Approach
3.3 Hermeneutic Interpretation in general, of multi-lingual data in particular [LINK]
3.4 Hermeneutic Interpretation of Web Contents [LINK]
3.5 Situational Analysis
3.6 Praxeography [LINK]
3.7 Constructive Innovation Assessment & Constructive Technology Assessment [LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK, LINK]
3.8 Foresight [LINK, LINK]
4. Didactisation of research methods
4.1 Explorative-Interpretative Research Design [LINK]
4.2 Hermeneutic Data Interpretation [LINK]
4.3 Participation and Observation [LINK]
4.4 Explorative-Interpretative Governance Research [LINK]
4.5 Grounded Theory Approach
Peter also serves as reviewer of research projects for German Research Foundation (DFG), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and Polish National Science Centre (NCN), as well as for the journals ‘Research Policy’, 'Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions', 'Energy Research & Social Science', 'Human Studies', ‘Symbolic Interaction’, ‘Minerva’, 'Science as Culture', ‘Science and Public Policy’, ‘Environmental Science & Policy’, ‘Nordic Journal of Science and Technology’, 'Technovation', ‘Creativity and Innovation Management’, ‘Journal of Public Policy’, ‘Policy Sciences’, ’Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie’, ‘Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft’, ‘FQS Forum Qualitative Research’, Energy, Sustainability and Society, 'Policy & Society', 'Policy Sciences', 'Foresight', 'Climate Services', 'GAIA', 'Soziologische Revue', Journal of Responsible Innovation, and ‘Zeitschrift für Theoretische Soziologie’.
Formerly, Peter was a researcher and lecturer at the Universities of Dortmund, Hagen and Düsseldorf, carrying out at the latter two the project ‘Law as a social practice—from everyday legal methods to a legal methodology for everyday work’ (2000–2004). After this, he worked as a lecturer and researcher in criminal and police sociology at the Ruhr University of Bochum, focusing especially on public security institutions (2004–2006). From 2007 to 2009 he held a post-doc position at the Centre for Society and Genomics, Radboud University Nijmegen. There, in the form of an institutional ethnography, he investigated how “society and genomics” research, education and dialogue activities (sometimes called ‘ELSA’ or ‘ELSI’ for ethical, legal, social aspects/implications) in the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom get conceptualized and organized, institutionalized and legitimized in everyday work—as science governance in action. Writing things up is still in progress though ...
Peter Stegmaier studied sociology, social psychology, law, and economics at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and at Goldsmiths’ College in London.
Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
Other contributions
Koretsky, Z., Stegmaier, P., Turnheim, B., & van Lente, H. (Eds.). (2023). Technologies in Decline: Socio-Technical Approaches to Discontinuation and Destabilisation. Routledge.
Stegmaier, P. (2023). Aftercare, or Doing Less with Discontinuation Niche Governance. In F. Goulet & D. Vinck (Eds.), New horizons of innovation. Doing with less, doing with out. Elgar.
Aukes, E., Stegmaier, P., & Schleyer, C. (2022). Guiding the guides: Doing ‘Constructive Innovation Assessment’ as part of innovating forest ecosystem service governance. Ecosystem Services, 58.
Liersch, C. C., & Stegmaier, P. (2022). Keeping the forest above to phase out the coal below: The discursive politics and contested meaning of the Hambach Forest. Energy Research & Social Science, 89, 1-19.
Loft, L., Schleyer, C., Klingler, M., Kister, J., Zoll, F., Stegmaier, P., Aukes, E., Sorge, S., & Mann, C. (2022). The development of governance innovations for the sustainable provision of forest ecosystem services in Europe: A comparative analysis of four pilot innovation processes. Ecosystem Services, 58.
Stegmaier, P., Visser, V. R., & Kuhlmann, S. (2021). The incandescent light bulb phase-out. Exploring patterns of framing the governance of discontinuing a socio-technical regime. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 11, 1-22.
Bussola, F., Falco, E., Aukes, E., Stegmaier, P., Sorge, S., Ciolli, M., Gagliano, C., & Geneletti, D. (2021). Piloting a more inclusive governance innovation strategy for forest ecosystem services management in Primiero, Italy. Ecosystem Services, 52, 101380.
Schiele, H., Bos-Nehles, A., Delke, V., Stegmaier, P., & Torn, R.-J. (2021). Interpreting the industry 4.0 future: technology, business, society and people. Journal of Business Strategy, ahead-of-print.
Stegmaier, P. (2020). Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA): Innovationsmitgestaltung als Prozess gesellschaftlicher Aufklärung und Erwartungsmoderation. In B. Blättel-Mink, I. Schulz-Schaeffer, & A. Windeler (Eds.), Handbuch Innovationsforschung (pp. 1011-1028). Springer VS.
Stegmaier, P., Hamaker-Taylor, R., & Jiménez Alonso, E. (2020). Reflexive climate service infrastructure relations. Climate Services, 17, 100151.
Visscher, K., Stegmaier, P., Damm, A., Hamaker-Taylor, R., Harjanne, A., & Giordano, R. (2019). Climate Services. Matching Supply and Demand: A Typology of Climate Services. Climate Services.
Damm, A., Köberl, J., Stegmaier, P., Jiménez Alonso, E., & Harjanne, A. (2019). The market for climate services in the tourism sector – An analysis of Austrian stakeholders’ perceptions. Climate Services.
Stegmaier, P. (2019). The stupidity of artificial and human intelligence – on the limitations of certainty. Session of the AK Phänomenologie „Die Dummheit künstlicher Intelligenz – zu Wissen und Gewissheit artifizieller Kognitionssysteme“ Wissenssoziologie-Kongress 2019, Koblenz.
Hoppe, T., Vegt, v. d., & Stegmaier, P. (2016). Presenting a Framework to Analyze Local Climate Policy and Action in Small and Medium-Sized Cities. Sustainability, 8(9), 847.
Stegmaier, P. (2015). Office Studies, oder: Feldzugang und Forschen in Amtsstuben, Behörden und Governance-Einrichtungen. Plädoyer für ein Forschungsfeld. In A. Poferl & J. Reichertz (Eds.), Wege ins Feld – Methodologische Aspekte des Feldzugangs. Beiträge der 4. Fuldaer Feldarbeitstage 5./6. Juli 2013 (pp. 154-171). Oldib.
Stegmaier, P., Kuhlmann, S., & Visser, V. R. (2014). The Discontinuation of Socio-Technical Systems as Governance Problem. In S. Borrás & J. Edler (Eds.), Governance of Systems Change (pp. 111-131). Edward Elgar.
Stegmaier, P. (2013). Die hermeneutische Interpretation multisprachlicher Daten in transnationalen Forschungskontexten. In R. Bethmann & M. Roslon (Eds.), Going the Distance. Impulse für die interkulturelle Qualitative Sozialforschung (pp. 231-253). VS Springer.
Edler, J., Kuhlmann, S., & Stegmaier, P. (2010). Fragmentierung und Koordination – Steuerung der Wissenschafts- und Innovationspolitik in Deutschland. In M. Seckelmann, S. Lange, & T. Horstmann (Eds.), Die Gemeinschaftsaufgaben von Bund und Ländern in der Forschungs-, Hochschul- und Bildungspolitik: Analysen, Erfahrungen, Zukunftsperspektiven (pp. 169-194). Nomos.
Stegmaier, P. (2009). Wissen, was Recht ist. Richterliche Rechtspraxis aus wissenssoziologisch-ethnografischer Sicht. VS.
Stegmaier, P. (2009). The rock 'n' roll of knowledge co-production. EMBO reports, 10(2), 114-119.
Stegmaier, P. (2009). Die ganze Vernetzung der inneren Sicherheit: Wissenskrise und Effektivitätsmythos. In M. H. W. Möllers & R. C. v. Ooyen (Eds.), Jahrbuch Öffentliche Sicherheit 2008/2009 (pp. 305-316). Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft.
Dreher, J., Pfadenhauer, M., Raab, J., Schnettler, B., & Stegmaier, P. (Eds.). (2008). Phänomenologie und Soziologie - Positionen, Problemfelder, Analysen. VS.
Dreher, J., & Stegmaier, P. (Eds.). (2007). Die Unüberwindbarkeit kultureller Differenz. Grundlagentheoretische Reflexionen. transcript.
Kölbel, R., Stegmaier, P., & Berndt, T. (2006). Abduktion in der justiziellen Entscheidungspraxis. Rechtstheorie, 37(1), 85-108.
Stegmaier, P. (2006). Die Bedeutung des Handelns - Zum Verhältnis von Wissenssoziologie und neuropsychologischer Hirnforschung. In J. Reichertz & N. Zaboura (Eds.), Akteur Gehirn - oder das vermeintliche Ende des handelnden Subjekts. Eine Kontroverse (pp. 101-119). VS.
Research profiles
Currently taught courses:
- ‘Policy Analysis in Public and Technological Domains’, Masters Public Administration, Philosophy of Science and Technology in Society (with Barend van der Meulen)
- 'Deliberative Governance of Knowledge and Innovation', Masters Public Administration, Philosophy of Science and Technology in Society (with Esther Turnhout, Lodewijk Gelauff & Erik Fisher)
- 'Technologies in Use', Master Philosophy of Science and Technology in Society (with Alexandria Poole)
- ‘HTHT Minor Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical Change’ (module)/‘Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation’ (component) (with Kornelia Konrad & Sandra Calkins)
- ‘Research Methodology’, Master Philosophy of Science and Technology in Society (with Sandra Calkins)
- RESTS-IBA Module 11 CHANGEL sub-module ‘Strategic & Responsible Foresight’, Bachelor International Business Administration (with Barend van der Meulen, Andrea Kottmann)
- RESTS-CE Module 11 sub-module 'POK-Context'
- 'Discovering change', Honours Course Process of Change (with Michael Nagenborg)
- ‘Data Session’ [LINK, LINK]
- UT wide qualitative research coaching [LINK, LINK]
For the Datalab, he offers free support for those practicing qualitative research and computer-assisted data analysis with ATLAS.ti. [LINK].
BSc, MSc, and PhD topic areas:
1. The governance of the discontinuation of socio-technical systems
1.1 Vincent R. Visser: ‘The purposeful governance of technology discontinuation: An exploratory study on the discontinuation of the incandescent light bulb’ (2012, MSc PA/GKI, with co-supervisor Stefan Kuhlmann)
1.2 A. Katharina Schulte: ‘The light industry as actor and factor in the EU discontinuation of the incandescent light bulb’ (2015, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Stefan Kuhlmann)
1.3 Niels Oudelaar: ‘The role of NGOs in the EU Light Bulb ban process’ (2015, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Frans Coenen)
1.4 Marita Bulten: ‘Understanding global discontinuation governance—An explorative study on the global mercury ban by the UN Minamata Convention’ (2016, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Stefan Kuhlmann)
1.5 Evert J. Swarts: ‘ICE transport discontinuation in the Netherlands: What is the the Dutch government doing about it?’ (2016, BSc BSK, with co-supervisor Ariana Need)
1.6 hilo Berns: 'The discontinuation of the Private Finance Initiative: an analysis of the UK's abolition of the PF2 model' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.7 Celina Jella Bomers: 'Discontinuation or extension - an explorative study on the discontinuation of interim storage for nuclear waste in Ahaus, Germany' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.8 Laura Vani Kesore: 'The discontinuation of the Airbus A380 product line - a multi-level perspective on governance actors in Germany' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.9 Hannah Michelle Kühn: '(De-)Legitimization strategy: The Discontinuation of Humanitarian Rescue Efforts in the Mediterranean' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.10 Carina Christin Liersch: 'Discontinuing coal in Germany - Keeping the forest above to phase out the coal below: An explorative study of the negotiation process in terms of interests, conflicts and coalitions' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.11 Lisa Adriana Pramann: 'Governing a Discontinuing EU Membership. An explorative study on the EU’s strategy and practise for organising the Brexit process' (2019, BSc MST, with co-supervisor Don Westerheijden)
1.12 Saskia Boswinkel: 'The road to the National Prevention Agreement. A qualitative study of the political factors which resulted in the development of the National Prevention Agreement' (2019, BSc MST, co-supervisor with Harry de Boer)
1.13 Hanna Dittmar: ' Living in a Society without Cash - The Establishment of a Cash-Free Society in Germany and the Netherlands' (2019, BSc MST, co-supervisor with Harry de Boer)
1.14 Erik Schreiner: 'The exit from the G8 upper secondary school reform in Germany - a multiple case study' (2019, BSc MST, co-supervisor with Harry de Boer)
1.15 Esther Steverding: 'Step down - The way to the decision to end compulsory military service in Germany' (2019, BSc MST, co-supervisor with Harry de Boer)
2. Governance in action
2.1 Franziska C. Raspe: ‘The official positions of the AKP and CHP on Turkey’s EU accession process—a comparative study’ (2011, BSc ES, with co-supervisor Rob Hoppe)
2.2 Daniela K. Müller: ‘Arguments, strategies, roles: the legitimisation of Stuttgart 21’ (2010, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Stefan Kuhlmann)
2.3 Caro Valladares Pasquel: ‘Ecuadorian public policy towards the good living. An interpretive policy analysis from the large scale mining conflict’ (2013, MSc PA; co-supervisor with Ringo Ossewarde)
2.4 Diego Guerrero Melo: ‘A model of public intervention for music festivals as creative industries in small and medium-sized cities: an assessment of the case of Enschede’ (2013, MSc PA; co-supervisor with Gonzalo Ordóñez-Matamoros)
2.5 Casper van Hoorn: ‘Local climate change mitigation policy. Frame analysis of stakeholder views on local climate mitigation policy in the small Dutch municipalities Lingewaard and Renkum’ (2014, BSc BSK; co-supervisor with Thomas Hoppe and Pascal Zoetbrood)
2.6 Arjen van der Vegt: ‘Local climate change policy: a comparative analysis of climate mitigation- and adaptation policy between four municipalities in Twente, The Netherlands’ (2015, MSc PA; co-supervisor with Thomas Hoppe)
2.7 Jeroen Veenhuizen: ‘Political markets in Dutch Municipalities. An interpretative policy study of the cases Almere and Hengelo’ (2016, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Pieter-Jan Klok)
2.8 Alexander ter Avest: ‘Hoe de minister beweert te weten wat hij zegt. Een kwalititieve studie over hoe een politicus zijn realiteit communiceert’ (2016, BSc BSK, with co-supervisor Ariana Need)
2.9 Jelle Wigger: 'Developing digitalized academic-level lifelong learning in the Netherlands' (2021, BSc IBA, co-supervisor with Barend van der Meulen)
3. Practices and institutions of policing
3.1 Nicola A. Jenne: ‘Possible tensions between the protection of borders and human rights in the legal foundations of the external border agencies of the European Union and Australia’ (2013, MSc ES, with co-supervisor Klaus Schubert)
3.2 Mona I. Mester: ‘The administrative approach to organized crime: Exploring the possibility of implementation in the district Borken (Germany)’ (2016, MSc PA, co-supervisor with Annalisa Pelizza)
4. Governance of Knowledge and Innovation
4.1 Anna-Sophie Reinhardt: ‘Responsible research innovation and the systems of innovation approach within Horizon 2020’ (2014, BSc EPA, co-supervisor with Gonzalo Ordóñez-Matamoros)
4.2 Marc Hansmeier: ‘Are Clusters effective systems for Regional Innovation in North Rhine Westfalia? Illustrated on the AutoCluster.NRW’ (2015, BSc EPA, co-supervisor with Gerhard Wittkämper)
4.3 Jeroen Vonk: 'Organising the public value of Higher Education in blockchain' (2021, MSc PSTS-PA, co-supervisor with Barend van der Meulen)
4.4 Jurre Oosterwijk: 'A socio-technical governance perspective on the roles of the state in the governance of socio-technical change. The European Commission in the governance of Connected, Connective, Automated Mobility in the EU' (2023, MSc PSTS-PA, co-supervisor with Kornelia Konrad and Frans Coenen)
4.5 Raluca Lăzăreanu: 'Innovation Policies and Their Influence on the Innovation Capabilities of Knowledge-intensive Entrepreneurship Firms in the Region of North Brabant' (2023, MSc BA, co-supervisor with Tamara Oukes)
4.6 Luluk Aulianisa: 'An exploration on the role of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Framework In Indonesian Digital Entrepreneurshop' (2024, MSc PSTS-BA, co-supervisor with Kornelia Konrad and Igors Skyte)
5. Tentative governance of complex problems
5.1 Inge Rohaan: ‘Tthe influence of actors beliefs on unobvious policy decisions. Two cases of road developments in Dutch demographic decline regions’ (2017, MSc PA, co-supervisor with Frans Coenen)
5.2 Frederik Röse: 'Impact of Participatory Input on final Plan Decisions: An Investigation into the Role of Power and Local Knowledge in the Urban Development Project of the Hamburg Convention Center’s Expansion' (2019, MSc PA, co-supervisor with Frans Coenen)
5.3 Christina Karkalaki: 'The administrative fight against transport emissions' (2020, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Laura Maria Garcia)
5.4 Florian Helfrich: 'eGoBIT - Governance of Blockchain-based Infrastructure Transitions on Energy markets' (PhD thesis in preparation; daily supervisor with Stefan Kuhlmann as promoter)
5.5 Joost Kuijper: 'The struggle of regions for smart (re)specialisation. Tensions in the innovation system in East Netherlands' (PhD thesis in preparation; daily supervisor with Barend van der Meulen and Stefan Kuhlmann as promoters)
6. The governance of health, health policy, and health technology
6.1 Helene Fritzsche: ‘The impact of e-mental health interventions on access to mental healthcare in the European Union. A realist review’ (2016, BSc EPA, co-supervisor with Veronica Junjan)
6.2 Viktor Werner: ‘Sugar tax: The fiscalisation of childhood obseity?’ (2017, MSc PA, with co-supervisor Martin Rosema)
6.3 Davida Flinsenberg: 'Cognitive enabling technologies in the treatment of executive function deficit in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder' (2020, MSc PSTS, co-supervisor with Nils-Frederik Wagner)
7. Normativities, or: The daily re-invention of legal norms/regulations
7.1 Frauke de Kort: ‘Mensenrechteneducatie in Maatschappijleerboeken. Een case study’ (2016, Verslag van Onderzoek van Onderwijs voor de eerstegraadsbevoegdheid Leraar Voortgezet Onderwijs Maatschappijleer en Maatschappijwetenschappen, co-supervisor with Margarita Jeliazkova)
7.2 Grety Al Bazi: 'Het verhaal van de vluchtling: het gebruik van narratief leren in burgerschapsonderwijs' (2018, MSc PA, co-supervisor with Margarita Jeliazkova)
7.3 Charlotte C. L. Rettig: Perceptions of Women in Public leadership – Discussing the Imposter Phenomenon in the German News Media' (MSc PA, co-supervisor with Ringo Ossewaarde)
8. Science and Technology Studies
8.1 Tim Bussmann: 'Citizen perceptions on Biometrics: Surveillance or service?' (2020, MSC PA, co-supervisor with Ringo Ossewaarde)
8.2 Alina Carola Freiin von dem Bussche-Hünnefeld: 'Tweeting about Mars 2020: Good luck Percy! Humanising high tech in Twitter communication' (2021, BSc AT, co-supervisor with Cornelius Schubert)
8.3 Sujin Kim: Progressive Science, Racial Concepts: American Race and Ethnic Classifications, Technologies, and Discourse of Scientific Racism' (2022, MSc PSTS, co-supervisor with Michael Nagenborg)
8.4 Pablo Muñoz: '4.0 Engineering and Human Values - Managing Inductive Risk in the Use of Big Data Analytics for the Predictive Maintenance of Railway Systems' (2022, MSc PSTS, co-supervisor with Koray Koraca)
8.5 Muhammad Unggul Karami: 'Appropriating Cycling in Indonesia: Another Perspective on Technology Transfer' (2023, MSc PSTS, with co-supervisor Kornelia Konrad)
8.6 Annadi Muhammad Alkaf: 'Imaginaries Become Political: How Indonesia’s AI Imaginaries are Shaping State Technopolitics' (2024, MSc PSTS-PA, co-supervised with Andreas Weber and Saana Jukola)
8.7 Fenna Kwakernaak: 'Compelling Ideas: The EU's regulation of Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) as a Result of Compelling Ideas in the Policymaking Process and Technology Compelling Ideas' (MSc PSTS-PA; in preparation; with co-supervisor Shawn Donnelly)
8.8 Melissa K. Novitsky: 'Can AI help make us better humans? Exploring AI for enhanced moral education in early education' (2024, MSc PSTS; co-supervised with Anna Puzio)
Affiliated study programs
Courses academic year 2024/2025
Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.
- 194128030 - Master Thesis PA
- 194128051 - Master Thesis European Studies
- 201100076 - Deliberative Governance of Know. & Inn.
- 201100077 - Policy Analysis in Public and Tech. Dom.
- 201300088 - Master's Thesis PSTS
- 201900179 - Master Thesis PSTS-PA
- 202000086 - Production of Knowledge
- 202001421 - Gov. of Inn. and Socio-Technical Change
- 202400091 - Corporate Governance
- 202400092 - Change Management and Leadership
- 202400093 - Business Ethics & Responsible Innovation
- 202400094 - Strategic Foresight
- 202400095 - Sustainable Business Model Innovation
- 202400551 - Research Methods
- 202400650 - Discovering Change
Courses academic year 2023/2024
- 194128030 - Master Thesis PA
- 194128051 - Master Thesis European Studies
- 201100076 - Deliberative Governance of Know. & Inn.
- 201100077 - Policy Analysis in Public and Tech. Dom.
- 201300088 - Master's Thesis PSTS
- 201800145 - Technologies in use
- 201900178 - Master Thesis PSTS-BA
- 201900179 - Master Thesis PSTS-PA
- 202000086 - Production of Knowledge
- 202000253 - Philolab
- 202000575 - CHANGEL
- 202001421 - Gov. of Inn. and Socio-Technical Change
His research interests include social theory and methodology, knowledge and normativity, theories of action and institutionalization, phenomenology, philosophical anthropology and neurology, and the sociologies of science, governance, innovation and citizenship, as well as that of music.
Peter is member of the Executive Committee of the Eu-SPRI Forum
Current research projects:
- DiscGo: The Governance of Discontinuation of Socio-technical Systems, their Infrastructures and Regimes (Open Research Area NWO-DFG-ANR-ESCR) [LINK][LINK]
- E-Car Culture: Doing electric automobility as an Element of Mundane Energy Transition (own resources)
Finished research projects at STePS:
- 2024 Annual Conference of the “European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation” (Eu-SPRI Forum) at University of Twente (5-7 June 2024)
- InnoForESt - Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services (H2020-RUR-2016-2017/H2020-RUR-2017-1) [LINK]
- EU-MACS: European Market for Climate Services (H2020-SC5-03-2016) [LINK]
- ResAGorA: Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame. A Constructive Socio-normative Approach (7th EU Framework Programme) [LINK]
- VERA: Forward Visions on the European Research Area (7th EU Framework Programme) [LINK]
- RIF: Research and Innovation Futures 2030: From explorative to transformative scenarios (7th EU Framework Programme) [LINK]
- NanoNextNL, 1C program-level activities (STW) [LINK]

University of Twente
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7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Ravelijn 5113
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede