Peter de Vries is assistant professor at the section of Psychology of Conflict, Risk, & Safety. His past research includes automaticity in traffic mode choice, its effects on the execution of behavioural intentions in the context of light regulation, the effect of interactive feedback in household appliances on energy saving, and the effect of trust on technology use.

Recent research focuses on drone acceptance and transparency, sustainability and behaviour change, and the use of VR in police trainings to prevent ethnic profiling.


Functions and membership

  • Reviewer Journal of Technology and Human Interaction
  • Reviewer International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
  • Scientific review committee of Persuasive Technology


  • Psychology

    • Behavior
    • Trust
    • Research
    • Intention
    • Communication
    • Humans
    • Attitudes
  • Social Sciences

    • Technology


Current research interests include:

  • Drone acceptance and transparency
  • Sustainability and behaviour change
  • Ethnic profiling
  • Persuasive Technology



The virtual crime scene: Virtual reality context reinstatement as a means to increase the quality of eyewitness statements (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. PsyArXiv. Timmer, J., Vries, P. W. d. & Gosselt, J. F. a Bitter Pill - VR Against Police Ethnic Profiling (2023)In Persuasive Technology: 18th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2023, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April 19-21, 2023. Proceedings (pp. 22-35) (Lectur Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13832). Springer Nature. Vries, P. W. d., Böing, B., Mulder, E. & Gelder, J.-L. v. (in)sanity: The added value of VR in preventing ethnic profiling (2023)The Police Chief, 90(2), 38-43. Böing, B. S. & de Vries, P. W. in individual risk judgments associates with vulnerability and curtailed climate adaptation (2023)Journal of environmental management, 325(Part A). Article 116462. Noll, B., Filatova, T., Need, A. & de Vries, P. W.


Emojis in Deceptive Online Communication: The Frequency and Type of Emoji in Deceptive and NonDeceptive Online Messages (2022)Open Psychology Journal, 15(1). Article e187435012207050. Walther, M., Petrov, P., Smith, R., Young, D., de Vries, P. W. & Stel, M."Psyosphere": A GPS data-analysing tool for the behavioural sciences (2022)In Developments in Implicit Measurements (pp. 156-170). Frontiers Research Foundation. Ziepert, B., de Vries, P. W. & Ufkes, E. G. met jongeren over goed politiewerk: Hoe kan het onderlinge vertrouwen tussen politie en jongeren worden vergroot? (2022)Tijdschrift voor de politie, 2022(4), 42-45. Böing, B. S., Gieling, M. & de Vries, P. W.Dialogen met jongeren over professionele controIes (2022)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. de Vries, P. W.Trust repair in human-agent teams: the effectiveness of explanations and expressing regret (2022)In Proceedings of AAMAS 2022 (pp. 1944-1946) (Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS; Vol. 3). The International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS). Kox, E. S., Kerstholt, J. H., Hueting, T. F. & de Vries, P. W.


Trust repair in human-agent teams: the effectiveness of explanations and expressing regret (2021)Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, 35(2). Article 30. Kox, E. S., Kerstholt, J. H., Hueting, T. F. & de Vries, P. W.

Other contributions

  • Gutteling, J.M., & De Vries, P.W. (in press). Determinants of seeking and avoiding risk-related information in times of crisis. Risk Analysis, xx, xxx-xxx.
  • Van Hoof, J.J., De Vries, P.W., & Kroes, J. (in press) Using the Lost Letter Technique to measure real-life behavioural effects of alcohol use . Journal of Substance Use, xx, xxx-xxx.
  • De Vries, P. W., Van Den Berg, S. M., & Midden, C. (2015). Assessing technology in the absence of proof: Trust based on the interplay of others opinions and the interaction process. Human Factors, 57(8), 1378-1402. doi: 10.1177/0018720815598604
  • Van Rompay, T. J. L., De Vries, P. W., & Damink, M. T. (2015). “For your safety”: Effects of camera surveillance on safety impressions, situation construal and attributed intent. Lecture notes in computer science (Vol. 9072, pp. 141-146): Springer.
  • De Vries, P., Galetzka, M., Gutteling, J. (2014). Persuasion in the Wild: Communication, Technology, and Event Safety. In: Spagnolli, A., Chittaro, L., Gamberini, L. (eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8462, pp. 80-91. Springer International Publishing.
  • Verroen, S., Gutteling, J.M., De Vries, P.W. (2013). Enhancing Self-Protective Behavior: Efficacy Beliefs and Peer Feedback in Risk Communication. Risk Analysis 33, 1252-1264. doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2012.01924.x
  • Bouwmeester, Jaap, Franx, Kim, Holzmann, Marion, Gutteling, Jan M., & De Vries, Peter (2012). Informatiemiddelen en zoekgedrag bij dreiging en crises. Hoorn: WODC / Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.
  • Galetzka, Mirjam, & De Vries, Peter (2012). Motieven, omgeving, en gedrag; wat beweegt de mustreiziger? Transfercapaciteit op perrons, stijgpunten, traverseruimtes en halvoorzieningen. Enschede: Universiteit Twente.
  • Gutteling, J.M., & De Vries, P.W. (2012). Informatie zoekgedrag bij dreiging en crises. Ruimtelijke Veiligheid en Risicobeleid, 3(9), 11.
  • Van Rompay, Thomas J. L., de Vries, Peter W., Bontekoe, Fenna, & Tanja-Dijkstra, Karin (2012). Embodied product perception: Effects of verticality cues in advertising and packaging design on consumer impressions and price expectations. Psychology & Marketing, 29(12), 919-928. doi: 10.1002/mar.20574
  • De Vries, P., Aarts, H., & Midden, C. J. H. (2011). Changing simple energy-related consumer behaviors: How the enactment of intentions is thwarted by acting and non-acting habits. Environment and Behavior, 43(5), 612-633. doi: 10.1177/0013916510369630
  • De Vries, Peter W., & Knol, Erik. (2011). Serious Gaming as a Means to Change Adolescents Attitudes Towards Saving Energy; Preliminary Results from the EnerCities Case. Proceedings EDEN Annual Conference 2011.
  • Knol, Erik, & De Vries, Peter W. (2011). EnerCities - A Serious Game to Stimulate Sustainability and Energy Conservation: Preliminary Results. eLearning Papers, 25.
  • McCalley, L. T., de Vries, P. W., & Midden, C. J. H. (2011). Consumer response to product-integrated energy feedback: Behavior, goal level shifts, and energy conservation. Environment and Behavior, 43(4), 525-545. doi: 10.1177/0013916510371053
  • Knol, Erik, & De Vries, Peter W. (2010a). EnerCities: Educational Game about Energy. Proceedings CESB10 Central Europe towards Sustainable Building.
  • Van Rompay, T.J.L., De Vries, P.W., & Van Venrooij, X.G. (2010). More than words: On the importance of picture-text congruence in the online environment. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(1), 22-30.
  • De Vries, P. & Van Rompay, T. J. L. (2009). Subtle persuasion: The unobtrusive effect of website-banner congruence on trust. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, Persuasive'09; Claremont, CA; 26 -29 April 2009. Available at:
  • Swaak, M., De Jong, M., & De Vries, P. (2009). Effects of information usefulness, visual attractiveness, and usability on web visitors' trust and behavioral intentions. IEEE International Professional Communication Conference Proceedings, IPCC 2009; Waikiki, HI; 19 - 22 July 2009. Available at:
  • De Vries, P. & Midden, C. (2008). The effect of indirect information on system trust and control allocation. Behaviour and Information Technology, 27(1), 17-29.
  • Fischer, A.R.H. & De Vries, P.W. (2008). Everyday behaviour and everyday risk: An approach to study people's responses to frequently encountered food related health risks. Health, Risk and Society, 10(4), 385-397.
  • De Vries, P., Midden, C., & Meijnders, A.L. (2007). Antecedents of system trust: Cues and process feedback. In M.Siegrist, T.C. Earle, & H. Gutscher (Eds.), Trust in cooperative risk management: Uncertainty and scepticism in the public mind (pp. 241-266). London: Earthscan.
  • De Vries, P. & Pruyn, A. (2007). Source salience and the persuasiveness of peer recommendations: The mediating role of social trust. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 4744, 164-175.
  • De Vries, P. (2006). Social presence as a conduit to the social dimensions of online trust. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 3962, 55-59.
  • De Vries, P. (2006). The proof of the pudding is in the tasting - or is it? Novice consumers' trust in providers of online advice. In K.M.Ekström & H. Brembeck (Eds.), European advances in consumer research (pp. 278-284). Duluth, MN: Association of Consumer Research.
  • De Vries, P., Midden, C., & Meijnders, A. L. (2005). Directe en indirecte ervaringen als antecedenten van systeemvertrouwen. In E.H.Gordijn, R. Holland, A. L. Meijnders, & J. Ouwerkerk (Eds.), Jaarboek Sociale Psychologie 2004 (pp. 449-463). Groningen: ASPO Pers.
  • De Vries, P. (2004). Trust in systems: Effects of direct and indirect information. Doctoral thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.
  • De Vries, P., Midden, C., & Bouwhuis, D. (2003). The effects of errors on system trust, self-confidence, and the allocation of control in route planning. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 58(6), 719-735.
  • Aarts, H., Dijksterhuis, A., & De Vries, P. (2001). On the psychology of drinking: Being thirsty and perceptually ready. British Journal of Psychology, 92(4), 631-642.
  • De Vries, P., Aarts, H., & Midden, C. (1999). De controle van gewoontegedrag: Is het moeilijker om iets te doen dan om iets niet te doen? In C.Martijn, C. G. Rutte, D. A. Stapel, & E. Van Dijk (Eds.), Fundamentele Sociale Psychologie (14 ed., pp. 151-158). Delft: Eburon.
  • De Vries, P., Van Vught, C., Fokkema, A., Aarts, H., Dijksterhuis, A., & Gollwitzer, P. (1998). De verhouding tussen gewoontegedrag en gepland gedrag. In A.van Knippenberg, C. K. W. de Dreu, C. Martijn, & C. G. Rutte (Eds.), Fundamentele Sociale Psychologie (12 ed., pp. 30-35). Tilburg: University Press.

Research profiles

Peter de Vries is involved in teaching for the courses and programmes listed below and as supervisor of Bachelor and Master Theses for these programmes.

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2025/2026

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses academic year 2023/2024

  • Effects of distrust on information processing and perception
  • Location-based technology and deviant behaviour
  • Detection of leadership
  • Camera surveillance and safety perceptions


University of Twente

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