Ronan van der Zee received the MSc degree (cum laude) in electrical engineering from the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands in 1994. In 1999 he received the PhD degree from the same university on the subject of high efficiency audio amplifiers. That same year he joined Philips Semiconductors, where he worked on class AB and class D audio amplifiers. After leaving Philips and spending more than a year travelling around the world, he returned to the University of Twente to become an assistant professor at the IC-Design group.

His current research interests are linear and switching power amplifiers, RF frontends and Wireless sensor networks. He was nominated several times for the Electrical Engineering educational award and actually won it in 2011.



University of Twente

Carré (building no. 15), room C2639
Hallenweg 23
7522 NH Enschede

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