Students can contact me with all kinds of questions concerning their studies. For example about the BSA or MOMI, about minor options, about study choice and so on. I also offer guidance with planning or motivation issues. Besides answering questions strictly related to the study, I also provide guidance concerning private issues that are getting in the way of your studies. If necessary, I can refer students to people or organizations within or outside the university.
For (upcoming) students, please send your emails to
You can plan a meeting using our planner:
Meetings can be on campus (Zilverling 1022) and are also offered online (Microsoft Teams. Log in with your student e-mail account). For phsyical meetings we comply with the corona regulations. [date of writing: 12 May 2022]
My open consultation hour takes place every Thursday between 12.30-13.30. You can come to visit me at my office (Zilvering 1022) or via Teams.
Meetings are confidential, that means we can and will not share information with parents or other care takers, but also not to teachers. For students, more information on our method of working can be found on the (internal) TCS Bachelor Canvas page.
University of Twente
Zilverling (building no. 11), room 1022
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Zilverling 1022
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
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