Motivated by my fascination for neural interfacing technologies and motor-restoring technologies, I joined the University of Twente's Neuromechanical Modelling and Engineering lab in 2020.

My research combines neuronal modelling, electrophysiological recordings (i.e., high-density electromyography) and signal processing with three main research objectives:

1) Creating model-enhanced neural interfaces 

2) Studying neuro-muscular interactions in healthy and motor-impaired human individuals

3) Assessing neuro-muscular adaptations in response to electrical stimulation and robotic actuation

During my PhD, I developed a person-specific modelling framework for estimating the activity and underlying properties of human alpha-motoneuron pools during isometric contractions. This work was part of the ERC project INTERACT, led by prof. Massimo Sartori.

Priorly, I did my master thesis at the centre for neuroprosthetics, in the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, where I focus on the study of epidural electrical stimulation for restoring locomotion after spinal cord injury. 


  • Neuroscience

    • In Vivo
    • Neurorehabilitation
    • Electromyography
    • Motor Control
    • Motor Unit
    • Excitability
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Motoneuron
    • Person




Person-specific modelling of α-motoneurons: Towards customized neurorehabilitation (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ornelas Kobayashi, R. E. Personalized Motor-Restoring Technologies: Characterizing Neural Data-Driven Alpha-Motoneuron Model Parameters (2024)In 2024 10th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob) (pp. 1581-1586). Ornelas-Kobayashi, R., Mooiweer, R. & Sartori, M. Alpha-Motoneuron Pool Models Driven by Neural Data Encode the Mechanisms Controlling Rate of Force Development (2024)IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 32, 3699-3709. Ornelas-Kobayashi, R., Gomez-Orozco, I., Gogeascoechea, A., Asseldonk, E. V. & Sartori, M. Modeling for Locomotion with Wearable Assistive Robots -- A primer (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Refai, M. I., Wang, H., Gogeascoechea, A., Ornelas Kobayashi, R., Avanci Gaudio, L., Damonte, F., Durandau, G. V., van der Kooij, H., Yavuz, U. S. & Sartori, M.



Neural data-driven model of spinal excitability changes induced by transcutaneous electrical stimulation in spinal cord injury subjects (2022)In 2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR). IEEE. Ornelas Kobayashi, R., Gogeascoechea Hernandez, A. D. J., Tomy, L. J., van Asseldonk, E. H. F. & Sartori, M.


Identification of Motor Unit Twitch Properties in the Intact Human In Vivo (2021)In 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 6310-6313). Hernandez, A. G., Kobayashi, R. O., Yavuz, U. S. & Sartori, M. framework for the model-based estimation of in vivo α-motoneuron properties in the intact human (2021)In 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 6126-6129). IEEE. Kobayashi, R. O., Gogeascoechea, A., Buitenweg, J., Yavuz, U. & Sartori, M.

Research profiles


University of Twente

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7522 LW Enschede

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