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Van der Lubbe studied psychology at the University of Amsterdam (finished at April 23 rd  1992), and got his PhD degree at the Free University in Amsterdam (VU; defended at June 10 th  1997). Subsequently, he worked as a postdoc at the Medical University of Lübeck (from September 1 st  1997 till October 1 st  2000) and the University of Utrecht (from October 1 st  2000 till June 1 st  2005). In 2005 he got a position of assistant professor at the department Cognitive Psychology and Ergonomics at the University of Twente, The Netherlands (from July 1 st  2005 till July 1 st  2010), and in 2010 he was promoted to the position of Associate Professor (from July 1st 2010 till now). In 2011, he also got a position as Associate Professor at the University of Finance and Management at the Department of Cognitive Psychology in Warsaw (Poland). In 2013 and 2014, Van der Lubbe also held a temporary position as visiting professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University at the Physics Department. Since January 1 st  2013, Van der Lubbe has a 0.6 fte position at the University of Twente. Van der Lubbe is associate editor of the ISI journal Biological Psychology (since 1-1-2012), and is Co-editor in Chief and Associate editor of the ISI journal Advances in Cognitive Psychology (since 1-4-2011).


  • Neuroscience

    • Attention
    • Electroencephalogram
    • Simon Effect
  • Psychology

    • Imagery
    • Motor Skills
    • Groups
    • Sequence Learning
    • Electroencephalography


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