Earned my stripes as a teacher in special needs education, now here to take part in help shaping the future of education. Always on the lookout for meaningful enhancing of education, in my daily life as part of the Technology Enhanced Learning & Teaching team (TELT) and the Centre of Expertise in Learning and Teaching (CELT).
You may recall seeing or hearing me as:
- Coordinator Learning & Teaching Lab
- Chairman of the AI in Education Working Group
- Host of the EduTalks Podcast
- Trainer in the course Microlectures and where to find them

University of Twente
Citadel (building no. 09), room H317
Hallenweg 15
7522 NH Enschede

University of Twente
Citadel (building no. 09), room H325
Hallenweg 15
7522 NH Enschede
University of Twente
Citadel H317
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede