Prof. dr. Rezaul Kabir is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Twente. Earlier, he was the Chair Professor of Corporate Finance and Risk Management, and the Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Behavioral, Management and Social Sciences.

Prof. Kabir received his PhD degree in Finance from the University of Maastricht (the Netherlands), and Master degrees in Business Administration and Economics from the University of Leuven (Belgium) and the University of Dhaka (Bangladesh). He was a full-time faculty member at the universities in Stirling (the United Kingdom), Tilburg and Maastricht (the Netherlands), and a part-time faculty member at the Universities of Antwerp and Liege (Belgium). Since 2023, he has been a Visiting Professor at the School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia), and at the School of Economics and Management, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam). He was also an Honorary Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management, University Putra Malaysia; and Visiting Professor / Scholar at New York University (the United States), Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing (China), University of Melbourne (Australia), University of Curaçao, and Graz University of Technology (Austria). Prior to the start of the university career, he was a Project Accountant at Fisons (Bangladesh) Limited, Dhaka; and a Trainee at the Industrial Bank of Bangladesh, Dhaka; and at the European Commission, Brussels.

Prof. Kabir has lectured extensively undergraduate, graduate and executive level courses, at many different universities. His research has been primarily multi-disciplinary, empirical and policy-oriented. Throughout an academic career spanning more than 35 years, he has studied a wide range of topical issues related to corporate finance, corporate valuation, corporate governance, corporate diversification, corporate social responsibility, business groups, financial crisis, small business, and regulation of capital market. His research papers have appeared in many peer-reviewed scientific journals, books and reports. He belongs to the category of top 10% of authors on Social Science Research Network (SSRN) by all-time downloads.

Prof. Kabir has travelled worldwide to present papers and give talks at international academic conferences and universities. He has supervised several hundreds BSc and MSc thesis research students, and 11 PhD thesis research students. He also worked on research projects funded by governmental and private agencies. He was a mentor of young academics from many different countries: Bangladesh, Czech Republic, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Pakistan, and Vietnam.


  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance

    • Enterprise
    • Ownership
    • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Cost of Debt
    • Executive Compensation
    • Corporate Governance
    • Investment
    • Financing


Areas of interest

Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Small Business, Valuation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Microfinance, Financial Crisis, Risk Management, Finance & Regulation, Finance & Technology.



Other contributions

Key publications

Strategic Management Journal

  • Foreign and domestic ownership, business groups and firm performance: evidence from a large emerging market, 2006, vol. 27, pp. 637-657. (with Sytse Douma and Rejie George).
  • Takeover defenses, ownership structure and stock returns in the Netherlands: an empirical analysis, 1997, vol. 18, pp. 97-109. (with Dolf Cantrijn and Andreas Jeunink).

Journal of Corporate Finance

  • Transactional and relational approaches to political connections and the cost of debt, 2020, vol. 65, 101768. (with Taufiq Arifin and Iftekhar Hasan).
  • Can the stock market anticipate future operating performance? Evidence from equity rights issues, 2003, vol. 9, pp. 93-113. (with Peter Roosenboom).

Journal of Banking and Finance

  • Executive compensation and the cost of debt, 2013, vol. 37, pp. 2893-2907. (with Hao Li and Yulia Veld-Merkoulova).
  • Capital structure around the world: the roles of firm- and country-specific determinants, 2008, vol. 32, pp. 1954-1969. (with Abe de Jong and Thuy Nguyen).

Journal of Business Finance & Accounting

  • Empirical evidence on the role of trading suspensions in disseminating new information to the capital market, 2006, vol. 33, pp. 1142-1167. (with Peter-Jan Engelen).

European Economic Review

  • Insider trading restrictions and the stock market: evidence from the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, 1996, vol. 40, pp. 1591-1603, (with Theo Vermaelen).

Journal of Business Research

  • Does the financial crisis change the effect of financing on investment? Evidence from private SMEs, 2020, vol. 110, pp. 456-463. (with Siraz Zubair and Xiaohong Huang).
  • Heterogeneity in business groups and the corporate diversification - firm performance relationship, 2012, vol. 65, pp. 412-420. (with Rejie George).
  • Business groups and profit redistribution: a boon or a bane for firms? 2008, vol. 61, pp. 1004-1014. (with Rejie George).

 Journal of Multinational Financial Management

  • Key factors determining corporate social responsibility practices of Vietnamese firms and the joint effects of foreign ownership, 2021, vol. 59, 100676. (with Hanh Minh Thai).
  • Investment-cash flow sensitivity and financing constraints: new evidence from Indian business group firms, 2011, vol. 21, pp. 69-88. (with Rejie George and Jing Qian).
  • Is the pay - performance relationship always positive? Evidence from the Netherlands, 2008, vol. 18, pp. 45-60. (with Pieter Duffhues).
  • Trading behavior and firm-specific characteristics during the crash of 1987: Evidence from the Netherlands, 1993, vol. 3, pp. 41-62. (with Uri Ben-Zion).

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money

  • Do managers act opportunistically towards the end of their career? 2018, vol. 56, pp. 218-232. (with Hao Li and Yulia Veld-Merkoulova).

Journal of Economics and Business

  • Finance - growth nexus and banking efficiency: The impact of microfinance institutions, 2021, vol. 114, 105975. (with Afsheen Abrar and Iftekhar Hasan).
  • The stock market performance of the central banks of Belgium and Japan, 2002, vol. 54, pp. 137-152. (with Lawrence Goldberg).

Research in International Business and Finance

  • Compensation consultants and CEO pay, 2014, vol. 32, pp. 172-189. (with Marizah Minhat).

Pacific Accounting Review

  • Does corporate governance shape the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance? 2017, vol. 29, pp.227-258. (with Hanh Minh Thai).

China Journal of Accounting Research

  • Government ownership and the capital structure of firms: Empirical analysis of an institutional context from China, 2018, vol. 11, pp. 171-185. (with Xiaohong Huang and Lingling Zhang).


Borsa Istanbul Review


International Journal of Finance & Economics

  • Do project quality and founder information signals always matter? Evidence from equity and reward crowdfunding. Forthcoming. (with Xiaohong Huang and Thuy Ngoc Nguyen).


Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance

Research profiles

  • Corporate Finance (194110070)
  • Investments and Risk Management (201600013)
  • Business Valuation and Corporate Governance (201800089)
  • FENSI (201500016)
  • CHANGEL (201500017)
  • Master Thesis (194100040)
  • Bachelor Thesis (201200015)
  • Financial Risk Management (Professional Learning & Development)
  • Finance Bootcamp for Smart Businesses (CuriousU)

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

See Research section

Expertise on corporate finance, small business finance, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, financial crisis, law & finance.

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