I am a Guest PhD student in the MSUS Group at MST Cluster. My field of research is Layer-by-Layer (LbL) coating of ceramic membranes to remove salts or micropollutants with these modified membranes.
I already participated in some national (German) and international reserach projects like SIGN2 (https://www.bmbf-client.de/en/projects/sign2) and SULEMAN (https://www.dvgw.de/themen/forschung-und-innovation/forschungsprojekte/dvgw-forschungsprojekt-suleman) for drinking water filtration.
I am author and co-author of currently three publications regarding membrane modification with LbL.
Research profiles
I studied Biotechnology at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin and since worked in several companies. My current employer is Surflay Nanotec GmbH in Berlin, where I develop Layer-by-Layer coated membranes.