on campus
work from home
out of office

On Fridays I tend to work at home, as well as on most days without lectures, either a morning or afternoon.

I am a researcher at the Human Media Interaction (HMI) group of the University of Twente. I received an MSc degree in Human Media Interaction and an MSc in Industrial Design Engineering (Emerging Technology Design track), and a PhD on my work on "(Steering) Interactive Play Behavior". I focus my research on interactive whole body interaction and persuasion during play, where we look at various contexts from stimulating movement to transforming social interactions, and from doing this for children to elderly.


  • Computer Science

    • Design
    • User
    • Contexts
    • Training Session
  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Accelerometer
    • Heart Surgery
    • Mobilization
  • Psychology

    • Behavior


I am a assistant professor at the Human Media Interaction (HMI) group of the University of Twente. I received an MSc degree in Human Media Interaction and an MSc in Industrial Design Engineering (Emerging Technology Design track), and a PhD on my work on "(Steering) Interactive Play Behavior".


My educational activities mainly involve Bachelor's students from Creative Technology and Master's students from the Interaction Technology (former HMI) programme at the University of Twente. I teach Game Design and am part of New Media module, am involved in the course Design of Persuasive Health Technologies, Designing Interactive Experiences, and the module Intelligent Interaction Design. This latter module is related to UX and focuses on grounded design decisions and evaluations of interactive systems. In this course Bachelor's students from Business \& IT and Technical Computer Science programmes also participate. Furthermore, I set up and teach in the course on Games, Media and UX together with teachers from Utrecht University, a course for highschool computer science teachers.

Often together with Dennis Reidsma and Randy Klaassen I (co-)supervise a number of BSc and MSc students on topics related to interactive play and gaming. In total I have currently tutored numerous (>20) student projects, including Bachelor's theses (majority Creative Technology and an occasional Computer Science student), and Master's thesis, from which three projects have led to peer-reviewed full papers. Occasionally I also gives guest lectures on other topics, such as designing for people with special needs, or the use of pervasive persuasive technology.

I was (co-)initiator and (co-)author of three accepted grant proposals (1.75 fte years), and gave valuable input on a bigger one (approx 6fte years). The last porject is about persuasive technology in the form of a game to get people motivated to move more earlier and more during a hospital stay. My first project built upon student projects that I initiated by contacting and starting cooperation with LEDGo, which in turn led to cooperation with Rehabilitation Centre De Hoogstraat. This project (GREAT) focused on motivating adaptive interactive gait rehabilitation with games on an interactive LED floor, which had a clear link with my work on interactive playgrounds, and which was included as Part III of this thesis.The larger accepted project is also related to this but on from a sports and data domain perspective.

At the end of 2014 I also initiated the *Bot project. `StarBot' was a project investigating the impact of telepresence robots in everyday life, done part-time with Merijn Bruijnes over a period of over a year. The project focused on investigating the opportunities and the social, ethical, and technical issues that come forward when we start using these `Skype on wheels'-robots in our every-day lives.

 Overall my research focuses on combining the benefits of play, with the engagement of gaming, and the possibilities of exergaming technology. In which I address relevant, attainable, and measurable outcomes. During the design I am always looking at what is technically feasible, what has been done in related literature, and looking at what stakeholders (currently) do and want. For this latter aspect both discussions and observations are applied. During the evaluation I prefer to combine the use of automatic measurements, (direct) observations, discussions, and questionnaires. Preferably, by means of comparative studies (of interventions) where such combined results can convincingly show effects of certain (game) design elements. Although at the same time I also keep in mind a more holistic view.


Jump to: 2024 | 2023 | 2022


Improvisation Theatre as HRI simulation tool (2024)In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Movement and Computing: MOCO 2024 Beyond Control. Article 5 (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery. Dertien, E., Reidsma, D. & Van Delden, R. Metrics to Experiences: Investigating How Sport Data Shapes the Social Context, Self-Determination and Motivation of Athletes (2024)Interacting with computers (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Postma, D., van Delden, R., Reidsma, D. & Karahanoglu, A. Challenges in SportsHCI (2024)In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24). Article 312. ACM SigCHI. Elvitigala, D. S., Karahanoğlu, A., Matviienko, A., Vidal, L. T., Postma, D. B. W., Jones, M., Montoya, M., Harrison, D., Elbæk, L., Daiber, F., Burr, L. A., Patinba, R., Bruno, P., Hämäläinen, P., van Delden, R., Bernhaupt, R., Ren, X., van Rheden, V., Zambetta, F., … Mueller, F. '. exploring Visual Art through Social VR (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 13th Hybrid Intelligence Consortium Meeting 2024 (Unpublished). van Delden, R., Wang, S., de Andrade Ramires, F., Presser, L., Huitema, H., Runia, E., Kolfin, E. & Rieffe, C.


Technology, Movement, and Play Is Hampering and Boosting Interactive Play (2023)In CHI PLAY Companion '23: Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 231-234). ACM SigCHI. Delden, R. v., Reidsma, D., Postma, D., Weijdom, J., Segura, E. M., Turmo Vidal, L., Vega-Cebrián, J. M., Tajadura-Jiménez, A., Waern, A., Park, S., Hämäläinen, P., Font, J. M., Johnsson, M., Rasmussen, L. S. & Elbæk, L. Cost of Reward: A Critical Reflection on the `What', `How', and `Why' of Gamification for Motivation in Sports (2023)In CHI PLAY Companion '23: Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 222–224). ACM SigCHI. Postma, D., Karahanoğlu, A., Delden, R. v. & Reidsma, D. Steps to Improve Cybersecurity Behaviour – a Virtual Reality Experience (2023)In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 226-343) (European Conference on Games Based Learning; Vol. 17). Klooster, L., Delden, R. V. & Bullee, J.-W. Acquisition in New and Learned Contexts Using Immersive Virtual Reality (2023)In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 69-77) (Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning ; Vol. 17). Bergsma, T., Theune, M. & Delden, R. v. Modifiers for Movement-Based Design (2023)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Elbæk, L., Andersen, R. V., Delden, R. v., Fernández, J. M. F., Hansen, R. E., Hämäläinen, P., Johnsson, M., Rasmussen, L. S., Lekbo, S., Park, S., Postma, D., Reidsma, D., Segura, E. M., Tajadura-Jimenez, A., Vidal, L. T., Vega-Cebrián, J. M., Waern, A. & Kaos, M. D. - Movement-Based Method Collection (2023)[Non-textual form › Artefact]. Syddansk Universitet. Elbæk, L., Andersen, R. V., van Delden, R., Font, J. M., Hansen, R. E., Hämäläinen, P., Johnsson, M., Schjødt Rasmussen, L., Lekbo, S., Park, S., Postma, D. B. W., Reidsma, D., Segura, E. M., Tajadura-Jiménez, A., Turmo Vidal, L., Vega-Cebrián, J. M., Waern, A. & Kaos, M. Design Resources in Movement-based Design Methods a Practice-based Characterization (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Vega-Cebrián, J. M., Márquez Segura, E., Turmo Vidal, L., Valdiviezo-Hernández, O., Waern, A., van Delden, R., Weijdom, J., Elbæk, L., Andersen, R. V., Lekbo, S. S. & Tajadura-Jiménez, A. Resources in Movement-based Design Methods: A Practice-based Characterization (2023)In DIS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 871-888). Association for Computing Machinery. Vega-Cebrián, J. M., Segura, E. M., Turmo Vidal, L., Valdiviezo-Hernández, O., Waern, A., van Delden, R., Weijdom, J., Elbæk, L., Andersen, R. V., Lekbo, S. S. & Tajadura-Jiménez, A., Playful Book Finding Through Peer Book Reviews for Multi-faceted Characters in AR (2023)In Persuasive Technology: 18th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2023, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April 19–21, 2023, Proceedings (pp. 50-64) (Lecture notes in computer science; Vol. 13832). Springer. Wintermans, L., Delden, R. v. & Reidsma, D.


Considerations for (Teaching) Facilitator Roles for Movement-Based Design (2022)In CHI PLAY 2022: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 233-239). Association for Computing Machinery. Reidsma, D., van Delden, R. W., Weijdom, J. P., Hansen, R. E., Lekbo, S., Andersen, R. V., Rasmussen, L. S. R. & Elbæk, L. Interactive Add-ons for Small Local Playgrounds: Towards Designing for Context-sensitive Play Activities (2022)In CHI PLAY 2022: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 357-363). Association for Computing Machinery. Van Delden, R., Reidsma, D., Weijdom, J. P. & Heylen, D. a Definition of Sportification with Generative Power Beyond Sports (2022)In CHI PLAY 2022: Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 268-269) (CHI PLAY 2022 - Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play). Association for Computing Machinery. Van Delden, R., Postma, D. B. W., De Sain, R. & Reidsma, D. Movement-Artefact-Free Heart-Rate Prediction System (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 49th Computing in Cardiology Conference, CinC 2022. Thoonen, M., Veltink, P. H., Halfwerk, F. R., van Delden, R. & Wang, Y. Design Space of Sports Interaction Technology (2022)Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction, 15(2-3), 132-316. Postma, D. B. W., van Delden, R. W., Koekoek, J. H., Walinga, W. W., van Hilvoorde, I. M., van Beijnum, B. J. F., Salim, F. A. & Reidsma, D. user profiles for healthy gamification (2022)In 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health(SeGAH) (pp. 1-7). Article 9978578 (IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH); Vol. 2022). IEEE. Neut, L. v. d., Delden, R. v. & Spil, T. in kaart brengen van patiëntmobilisatie na hartchirurgie met behulp van accelerometers: Op weg naar patiënt-specifieke strategieën (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] Wetenschapsdag Medisch Spectrum Twente 2022. Reintjes, M. P. T., Wang, Y., van Delden, R., Klaassen, R., Lynch, W., Veltink, P. H., Grandjean, J. G. & Halfwerk, F. R.“Dear IOC” Considerations for the Governance, Valuation, and Evaluation of Trends and Developments in eSports (2022)Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4. Article 899613. Postma, D. B. W., van Delden, R. W. & van Hilvoorde, I. M. Patient Mobilization Quantification After Cardiac Surgery Using Accelerometers: What do Patients do? (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] Annual Meeting of the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland , SCTS 2022. Halfwerk, F. R., Klaassen, R., Lynch, W., van Delden, R., Veltink, P. H. & Grandjean, J. G.Coaxing An Empirical Exploration of a Novel Way to Nudge Athletic Performance in Sports (2022)In Persuasive Technology - 17th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2022, Proceedings (pp. 174-189) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 13213 LNCS). Springer. Postma, D., ten Brinke, S., van Delden, R. & Reidsma, D. in kaart brengen van patiëntmobilisatie na hartchirurgie met behulp van accelerometers:: Op weg naar patiënt-specifieke strategieën (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Congres Cardiovasculaire Preventie en Hartrevalidatie 2022 . Reintjes, M. P. T., Wang, Y., van Delden, R., Klaassen, R., Lynch, W., Veltink, P. H., Grandjean, J. G. & Halfwerk, F. R.Pure Gamification: An Energy Case (2022)In Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2022 (pp. 784-792) (Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning; Vol. 16). Academic Conferences International (ACI). van der Neut, L., Spil, T. & van Delden, R.

Research profiles

I am currently employed as a assistant professor at HMI & CreaTe. The educational activities mainly involve Bachelor's students from Creative Technology and Master's students from the Human Media Interaction programme at the University of Twente. In have taught the course Game Design and am part of Interactive Media module and the module Intelligent Interaction Design. This latter module is related to UX and focuses on grounded design decisions and evaluations of interactive systems. I am also one of the main teachers in the master course Experience Design for Interaction. 

I (co-)supervise a number of BSc and MSc students on topics related to interactive play and gaming. In total I have currently tutored numerous (>60) student projects, 10 Bachelor's theses (Creative Technology, Technical Computer Science , Atlas, and Biomedical Technology), and Master's thesis projects (Interaction Technology, Computer Science /data science, Educational Science, and some from Technical Medicine), from which several have led to peer-reviewed (full) papers. Occasionally I also give guest lectures on other topics, such as designing for people with special needs, using embodied interaction for teaching, or the use of pervasive technology. 

Specific contexts I currently work on include inclusive cultural heritage experiences, sports HCI, and sportification and steering whole-body interactions for healthy living. 

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024


University of Twente

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Hallenweg 15
7522 NH Enschede

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