
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Cardiomyocyte
    • Pluripotent Stem Cell
    • Cells
    • Heart
    • Tissues
    • Disease
    • Differentiation
    • In Vitro




Upscaling Osteoclast Generation by Enhancing Macrophage Aggregation Using Hollow Microgels (2024)Small, 20(46). Article 2403272. Husch, J. F. A., Araújo-Gomes, N., Willemen, N. G. A., Cofiño-Fabrés, C., van Creij, N., Passier, R., Leijten, J. & van den Beucken, J. J. J. P. Effects Of In Vitro Exercise Of Engineered Heart Tissues On Cardiac Injury And Function: 721 (2024)Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 56(10S), 247-247. Luiken, T. T. J., Cofiño-Fabres, C., Rivera-Arbeláez, J. M., Snippert, D., Denessen, E. J. S., Mingels, A. M. A., Thijssen, D. H. J., Passier, R. C. J. J. & Eijsvogels, T. M. H. Gut-Brain Axis on Chip to unravel Inter-Tissue Interactions (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Koch, L. S. Mapping of Electrical and Mechanical Latency of Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocyte Layers (2024)ACS nano, 18(35), 24060-24075. Zhang, X., Burattini, M., Duru, J., Chala, N., Wyssen, N., Cofino Fabres, C., Rivera Arbelaez, J. M., Passier, R., Poulikakos, D., Ferrari, A., Tringides, C., Vörös, J., Battista Luciani, G., Miragoli, M. & Zambelli, T. Heart Tissues On-Chip with Heterotypic Cell Composition Display Self-Organization and Improved Cardiac Function (2024)Advanced healthcare materials, 13(18). Article 2303664. Cofiño-Fabres, C., Boonen, T., Rivera-Arbeláez, J. M., Rijpkema, M., Blauw, L., Rensen, P. C. N., Schwach, V., Ribeiro, M. C. & Passier, R. safety screening platform for individualized cardiotoxicity assessment (2024)iScience, 27(3). Article 109139. Schwach, V., Slaats, R. H., Cofiño-Fabres, C., ten Den, S. A., Rivera-Arbeláez, J. M., Dannenberg, M., van Boheemen, C., Ribeiro, M., van der Zanden, S. Y., Nollet, E. E., van der Velden, J., Neefjes, J., Cao, L. & Passier, R.


Mass production of lumenogenic human embryoid bodies and functional cardiospheres using in-air-generated microcapsules (2023)Nature communications, 14. Article 6685. van Loo, S. R., ten Den, S. A., Araújo-Gomes, N., de Jong, V., Snabel, R., Schot, M. R., Rivera Arbelaez, J. M., Veenstra, G. J., Passier, R., Kamperman, T. & Leijten, J. Improved Human In Vitro Models for Cardiac Arrhythmia: Disease Mechanisms, Treatment, and Models of Atrial Fibrillation (2023)Biomedicines, 11(9). Article 2355. Cofiño-Fabres, C., Passier, R. & Schwach, V. in molecular and bioengineering techniques for driving maturation of human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiac three-dimensional models (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Cofino Fabres, C. Cardiomyopathies and Cardiac Defects in Inherited Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism: A Systematic Review (2023)International journal of molecular sciences, 24(10). Article 8632. Conte, F., Sam, J.-E., Lefeber, D. J. & Passier, R.

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