I am a computer scientist, broadly interested in networking. More particularly, my research aims at understanding, designing, and developing solutions for (sustainable and energy) efficient networking, mostly leveraging wireless radio resource management schemes. You can check also the projects (MISD, 6G FNS, EERI) we are currently working on.

I also act as the co-scientific director of 4TU-NIRICT. 

You can find more details on my research and activities at my website:


  • Computer Science

    • Edge Computing
    • Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access
    • Power Consumption
    • User
    • Application
    • Cellular Network
    • Information Technology
  • Engineering

    • Models


  • Energy-Efficient Resilient Internet (EERI)  with collaborators from EE and CS,  supported by EEMCS Theme funding.
  • 6G FNS with EDGE Research Center and external collaborators, supported by Dutch National Growth Fund. 
  • MISD with various EEMCS/TNW/ET/BMS faculties and external collaborators, supported by Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate under European IPCEI-CIS.


Impact of Power Consumption Models on the Energy Efficiency of Downlink NOMA Systems, Article 10153599, 1739-1753. Magalhães, S. R. C., Bayhan, S. & Heijenk, G. Multi-tier sImulator for eNergy-aware sTrategies in Edge ComputingIn ACM MobiCom '23: Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Article 120 (pp. 1-3). ACM Press. Gómez, B., Bayhan, S., Coronado, E., Villalon, J. & Garrido, A. Geocast Scheduling under Multicasts and Relaying in mmWave Vehicular NetworksIn 2022 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) (pp. 241-250). Havinga, T., Bayhan, S. & Heijenk, G. Allocation for Multi-Cell Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks: Energy Efficiency vs. Throughput vs. Power ConsumptionIn 2023 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit). IEEE. Rangel Carneiro Magalhaes, S., Bayhan, S. & Heijenk, G. roaming as a fallback or default?In IFIP Networking 2023. IEEE. Weedage, L., Rangel Carneiro Magalhaes, S. & Bayhan, S. on Negative Research Results in Pervasive Computing, 63-72. Peltonen, E., Mohan, N., Zdankin, P., Shreedhar, T., Nguyen, T., Bayhan, S., Crowcroft, J., Kangasharju, J. & Nicklas, D.

Research profiles

I am involved in teaching of the following courses:

  • Introduction to Computer Science (BIT) in Q1: Teacher of Operating Systems and Computer Networks
  • Cyber-Physical Systems Module (CS) in Q2: Module Coordinator and CPS Project Coordinator
  • Academic Research Skills (pre-master) in Q1-Q2: Supervisor of research projects
  • Research Project (CS) in Q2 and Q4: Track chair (and supervisor of research projects)
  • Mobile and Wireless Networking (master in CS) in Q3: Teacher (some lectures)

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

6G Future Network Services (FNS), Dutch National Growth Fund (2024-2030)

MISD, Modular Integrated Sustainable Datacenters, European IPCEI-CIS (2024-2029)

Energy-Efficient and Resilient Internet (EERI)  supported by EEMCS Theme funding (2020-2025)


University of Twente

Zilverling (building no. 11), room 5049
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede

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Additional contact information

Office: ZI-5049 

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