My research field is sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation management. In my research, I focus on quantitative research methods, in particular structural equation modeling and experiments, and address research topics such as consumer acceptance of sustainable product innovations, sustainable business models, and sustainability transitions of companies, organizations, and regions.

My teaching approach is experimental and I have tried out a variety of teaching methods, including challenge-based learning together with the ECIU network. I further engage in external teaching at a private university in Germany (Hochschule Fresenius).

Before joining the BMS department, I worked as a doctoral student at the Institute for Human Resource Management and Organizations at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH; between 2017-2021), before joining a third-party funded project as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management (TIM; 2021-2023). Prior to joining academia, I worked as a Marketing Manager at Founders House (startup hub) in Copenhagen (Denmark) after my studies at Copenhagen Business School.

I have published in a variety of scientific journals, such as Ecological Economics, the Journal of Marketing Analytics, and the Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, where I am also a member of the editorial board. Recently, I received the 2022 Best Paper Award of the Journal of Marketing Analytics.

I have been a visiting researcher at Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), Tampere University (Finland), and RMIT University (Spain). Furthermore, I am a research fellow at the TIM institute at TUHH.

Since the end of 2021, I have been a University Innovation Faculty Champion in cooperation with (Stanford University), where I mentor student teams using the design thinking approach.

Moreover, I have been involved in a variety of internal and external committees, such as the Committee for Equality at the Hamburg University of Technology (2021-2023). I am reviewing for a number of highly-relevant academic journals in my field, including Creativity and Innovation Management as well as the Journal of Product Innovation Management.


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