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Dr. Suzanne Janssen works as an Assistant Professor at the department of Technology, Human, and Institutional Behavior. Her research focuses on practices of work, communication, and collaboration in the context of intelligent technologies in organizations (e.g., robots, AI). More specifically, she is interested in the dual role of technology in the work of professionals, the ambivalence that employees may experience towards technologies, and the transformative role of technologies in organizations. Her work is mainly of qualitative nature and examines the situated uses of specific technologies "as used in practice." So far, her research has been published in Journal of Vocational Behavior, International Journal of Management Reviews, and Group & Organization Management. In 2018, she received a NWO Veni Grant (NWO Talent programme) to conduct a multi-year project (A robot as colleague) on the implications of using robots in organizations. In 2015, she defended her PhD at University of Twente, Cum Laude.      


My current research focuses on understanding the (unforeseen) sociocultural consequences of intelligent technologies in organizations. I investigate how work practices, organizational structures, and organizational cultures change when introducing new technologies. An important aspect of my research is to investigate how employees experience new technologies and how they actually use them.



Challenges of understanding, measuring, and supporting the dynamics of production workers’ learning-on-the-go in the Smart Industry sector (2024)[Contribution to conference › Other] EARLI SIG14 Conference 2024 (Unpublished). Endedijk, M., Bouwens, A., Hoogeboom, M. A. M. G., Janssen, S., Koen , J. & Winkelman, L.A Psychological Need-Fulfillment Perspective for Designing Social Robots that Support Well-Being (2024)International journal of social robotics, 16(5), 857-878. Janssen, S. & Schadenberg, B. R. (2024)In Elgar Encyclopedia of Organizational Psychology (pp. 390). Edward Elgar. Janssen, S.


The future of Communication Science (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. van Deursen, A. J. A. M., van Dijk, J. A. G. M. & Janssen, S.


Individuals' intentions to prepare for automation: The wording effects of the severity and time horizon of technological developments in question introductions (2022)In Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 14: Results from methodological experiments (pp. 5) (Understanding Society Working Paper Series ; Vol. 6). University of Essex. Jansen, G. & Janssen, S.

Research profiles

My teaching is mainly focused on the field of organizational communication. Next to that, I teach qualitative research methods. 

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Smart Skills @ Scale (S@S): Toward a future proof skilled Smart Industry (NWA-ORC Grant; PI: Stephan Corporaal, Saxion, with Maaike Endedijk, UT; awarded 8.3 million euros; 2024 - 2032)

Smart Skills@Scale connects Smart Industry communities, 450 SMEs, social partners, educational partners, and research groups in an eight-year program to realize a major breakthrough towards a sustainably employable workforce. In this unique nation-wide ntework, we realize a scalable skills approach that encourages production workers and organizations to engage in continuous re- and upskilling and keep up with and contribute to smart technology development. We stimulate the development of human-centric production systems, smart workplaces, jobs & careers, and (regional) partnerships. With this integrated approach, we empower production employees and organizations to achieve a human-centric, resilient, and sustainable Smart Industry sector.

Finished projects

Resilience towards Robotization: The Willingness, Opportunity, and Ability of Individuals to Prepare for Automation at the Workplace

ODISSEI LISS Data Grant, PI: Giedo Jansen, UT, with Mark Levels, ROA, Maastricht University; 2021

With the rise of smart technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and algorithms, many job tasks can be automated within the next decade, and it is increasingly important that humans upgrade their skills to stay employable. While current research predominantly focusses on aggregate labour market outcomes and occupational risks of automation (i.e. assessing which jobs are most vulnerable to automation), little is known about how individuals deal with or cope with the prospect of automation at the workplace. This research aims to examine the extent to which there are differences in the extent to which people in the Netherlands (1a) are interested in reskilling or upskilling to prepare for automation; (1b) have access to relevant types of education; and (1c) have the ability to engage successfully in reskilling or upskilling. Moreover, we aim to investigate whether these differences relate to (2a) the estimated risk of automation (2b) other labour market risks, and (2c) other existing social inequalities.

Working life in the robot age

Employees’ experiences in working with robots

As robots become more and more advanced and integrated into working life, it is important to understand their impact on employees. This project is a first critical step in addressing this challenge by investigating how employees integrate robots in their work and how working with robots is linked to fundamental processes of employee motivation and well-being. It will also examine the mutual shaping of human-robot collaborations and social practices in organizations (e.g., collaboration, communication).

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