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Biological processes are extremely efficient. My research is inspired by separation processes used in the cell. The cellular fluid is highly organised. This organisation occurs via aqueous liquid-liquid phase separation of molecules and can be mimicked by polyion condensation. These dense phases can very selectively take up molecules. This concept can be used for separation processes in industry, beter understanding of protein accumulation in biological condensates and the accumulation of functional molecules in relation to the Origin of Life.


For more info about Saskia Lindhoud on the 'Featured Scientists' page, click below:


Saskia Lindhoud is the webmaster and newsletter editor of the IACIS


  • Material Science

    • Polyelectrolyte
    • Temperature
  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

    • Protein
    • Membrane
    • Synuclein
  • Chemistry

    • Structure
    • Micelle
    • Reaction Temperature


After completing a BSc and MSc on Molecular Sciences at Wageningen University in 2005, I started a PhD project at the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Colloid Science under supervision of Prof. Martien Cohen Stuart and Prof. Willem Norde. The topic of my PhD work was the incorporation of enzymes in polyelectrolyte complex micelles. Within four years (2009) I defended my thesis entitled “Polyelectrolyte Complex Micelles as Wrapping for Enzymes.” After graduating, I left the Netherlands to investigate whether shower-gel can be made “greener” using oxidized cellulose as viscosity modifier. This research was performed at the University of Bath (UK). During this two year project I performed many neutron and x-ray scattering experiments at large scale facilities (ISIS, DIAMOND, ESRF and ILL) trying to resolve the structure of these oxidized cellulose gels. Beginning 2013 I joined the Nanobiophysics group at the University of Twente to work on a project called: “Motor failure in cellular disease.” Later that year I was awarded NWO prestigious Veni award on “Complex Coacervates as Molecular Crowding Agents,” to start my own research line. In June 2016 I became an Assistant Professor at the Nanobiophysics group. In April 2020 I joined the Molecular Nanofabrication group to continue my research and teaching at the University of Twente.



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Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023


University of Twente

Carré (building no. 15), room C4207
Hallenweg 23
7522 NH Enschede

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