Horst Complex Horstcomplex - Meander

Iā€™m a postdoctoral candidate working in theĀ Adaptive Quantum OpticsĀ group. My research interests include quantum memories, integrated quantum photonics and quantum computation.Ā 

I did my undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Shiraz University. After which I worked as an Electronics design engineer in a company before deciding to go to the Australian National University (ANU) to obtain my Master of Engineering degree. I was intrigued by the research performed at the ANU, where I obtained my PhD with a thesis titled ā€œRare-earth ion doped planar waveguides for integrated quantum photonicsā€. I then moved across the world to Delft to work as a postdoc at QuTech, TU Delft for 3 years. I have now moved to the UT for a new challenge, to work as a Postdoc in theĀ Adaptive Quantum OpticsĀ group.Ā 


  • Physics

    • Photonics
    • Magnetic Field
    • Spectral Hole Burning
    • Thulium
    • Doped Crystal
    • Energy Level Lifetime
    • Frequency Comb




Experimental validation of boson sampling using detector binning (2025)[Working paper › Preprint]. Correa Anguita, M., Camillini, A., Marzban, S., Robbio, M., Seron, B., Novo, L. & Renema, J. J.


Optical investigations of coherence and relaxation dynamics of a thulium-doped yttrium gallium garnet crystal at sub-kelvin temperatures for optical quantum memory (2024)Materials for Quantum Technology, 4. Marzban, S., Das, A., Falamarzi Askarani, M., Davidson, J. H., Sinclair, N., Slater, J. A., Oblak, D., Thiel, C. W., Cone, R. L. & Tittel, W.


Adaptive Quantum Optics - Quantum Information Processing (AQO-QIP) (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] PIC summit Europe 2023. Somhorst, F., Correa Anguita, M., Marzban, S., Timmerhuis, J., Van den Hoven, S., Leentjes, B., Sauer, K., Maxwell, I., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J.Physical Unclonable Keys for Quantum-Secure Authentication and Communication (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] PIC summit Europe 2023. de Ruiter, D., Stellinga, D., Start, K., van der Hoeven, L., Velsink, M., Marzban, S., de Man, S., Saini, S. K. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Physical Unclonable Keys for Quantum-Secure Authentication and Communication (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Kick-off of Photon Delta Growth Fund 2023. de Ruiter, D., Stellinga, D., Start, K., van der Hoeven, L., Velsink, M., Marzban, S., de Man, S., Saini, S. K. & Pinkse, P. W. H.Adaptive Quantum Optics - Quantum Information Processing (AQO-QIP) (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Meeting 2023. Correa Anguita, M., Renema, J. J., Timmerhuis, J., Pinkse, P. W. H., Somhorst, F., Marzban, S., Van den Hoven, S., Leentjens, B., Sauer, K. & Maxwell, I.Integrated Quantum Photonics (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2023. Van den Hoven, S., Correa Anguita, M., van der Meer, R., Timmerhuis, J., Somhorst, F., de Ruiter, D., Marzban, S., Pinkse, P. W. H. & Renema, J. J.

Research profiles


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room Horstcomplex - Meander
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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