Horst Complex Horstcomplex - Meander

Iā€™m a postdoctoral candidate working in theĀ Adaptive Quantum OpticsĀ group. My research interests include quantum memories, integrated quantum photonics and quantum computation.Ā 

I did my undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Shiraz University. After which I worked as an Electronics design engineer in a company before deciding to go to the Australian National University (ANU) to obtain my Master of Engineering degree. I was intrigued by the research performed at the ANU, where I obtained my PhD with a thesis titled ā€œRare-earth ion doped planar waveguides for integrated quantum photonicsā€. I then moved across the world to Delft to work as a postdoc at QuTech, TU Delft for 3 years. I have now moved to the UT for a new challenge, to work as a Postdoc in theĀ Adaptive Quantum OpticsĀ group.Ā 



University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room Horstcomplex - Meander
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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