Sabari Nathan Anbalagan recently earned his PhD in Industrial IoT Systems. He holds a bachelor's and master’s degree in Information Technology, specializing in Networking and Communication for his master’s. Ranked in the top 1% of Computer Science graduates across India in 2016, he has consistently demonstrated expertise in computer science fundamentals.

During his PhD, Sabari researched the optimization of wireless networks for Industrial IoT applications, focusing on improving 5G and Beyond-5G technologies. His work on graceful degradation techniques for battlefield networks during his master’s studies further demonstrates his expertise in networking.

Sabari has contributed to several research projects, and his findings have been published in reputable journals and presented at international conferences. Notably, his work earned him a Best Paper nomination at ISM 2023.

In addition to his research, Sabari has been involved in multiple teaching and supervisory roles in areas such as the Internet of Things, Pervasive Computing, Distributed Systems, Wireless Access Networks, and Computer Networks.

He has also served as a guest researcher at TNO, The Netherlands.


  • Computer Science

    • Industrial Internet of Things
    • Industry 4.0
    • 5G
    • Channel Quality
    • Throughput
    • Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication
  • Engineering

    • Industrial Internet
    • Internet of Things




SPECTRUM: Towards Self-aware Industrial IoT Systems (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Anbalagan, S. N. Grained vs Coarse Grained Channel Quality Prediction: A 5G-RedCap Perspective for Industrial IoT Networks (2024)In 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS) (pp. 1-7). IEEE. Anbalagan, S. N., Chiumento, A. & Havinga, P. J. M.Assessing Factory’s Industry 4.0 Readiness: A Practical Method for IIoT Sensor and Network Analysis (2024)Procedia computer science, 232, 2730-2739. Anbalagan, S. N., Schwarz, M., Bemthuis, R. & Havinga, P. J. M.


VarOLLA: Maximizing Throughput for 5G-RedCap Devices in IIoT Networks (2023)In IEEE 9th World Forum on Internet of Things 2023 (Accepted/In press). Anbalagan, S. N., Havinga, P. J. M. & Chiumento, A.


Implementing Industry 4.0 in Steel Manufacturing’s Evolving IIoT Systems (2021)Iron and Steel Technology, 18(9), 154-162. Article PR-TN1221-1. Schwarz, M., Anbalagan, S. N., Jagers, S. & Loendersloot, R. Sensitivity Analysis on the Potential of 5G Channel Quality Prediction (2021)In 2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring). Article 9448944 (IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC; Vol. 2021). IEEE. Anbalagan, S. N., Litjens, R., Das, K., Chiumento, A., Havinga, P. J. M. & van den Berg, H. L.


Towards Factory Schedule based Adaptation for Reliable Networking in Industrial IoT (2020)In 2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2020 - Proceedings (pp. 1115-1120). Article 9152553 (IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics; Vol. 2020-June). IEEE. Anbalagan, S. N., Seraj, F. & Havinga, P. underlying the paper: Towards Factory Schedule based Adaptation for Reliable Networking in Industrial IoT (2020)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Anbalagan, S. N. & Klein Brinke, J.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2024/2025

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University of Twente

Zilverling (building no. 11), room 5006
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7522 NH Enschede

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