I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree (cum laude) in Mechanical Engineering in 2017 from Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. My senior year project focused on the design and optimization of the ice cream mix freezing process at the Unilever Algida pilot plant in Istanbul, Turkey.
Shortly after, I commenced a master's program within the Fluidframe research group and earned a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2020, also from Bilkent University. During my Master’s studies, I developed a numerical algorithm for viscoelastic fluids in lubricated contacts where cavitation was present. This research was conducted within a project funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK).
Upon completion of my master's program, I relocated to The Netherlands, where in 2023, I obtained my Engineering Doctorate (EngD.) degree in maintenance from the University of Twente. My work focused on designing a tongue equivalent for the tribological assessment of astringency caused by plant-based proteins. This research was prompted by the global transition towards sustainable food sources and the increasing demand for plant-based proteins as an alternative to animal protein sources. Plant protein sources, such as those based on pea or faba bean, contain polyphenols, which lead to an unpalatable sensation of dryness, shrinking, and puckering, known as astringency. To identify the mechanism of astringency, the nature of interactions at oral surfaces is considered a tribological problem. Following a systematic method, I designed equivalent surfaces and materials used to investigate the tribological interaction of astringent foods on oral surfaces.
Currently, I am a doctoral researcher within the Skin Tribology group at the University of Twente, where I investigate the lubrication of soft tribological contacts and the friction of particle-laden lubricants. Over the past two years, I have also lectured Statics to students in the Industrial Design Engineering Bachelor’s track.
Research profiles
University of Twente
Horst Complex (building no. 20), room N137
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede
University of Twente
Horst Complex N137
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
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