Sabine Siesling, clinical epidemiologist, is professor ‘Outcomes Research and Personalized cancer care’ at the University of Twente and senior researcher at the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL). She focusses on the effect of interventions, such as care pathways or implementation of new technologies, on the quality, organisation and outcome of cancer care. She tailors care and follow-up using/developing prediction models which are based on data from e.g. the Netherlands Cancer registry. She is board member of the National breast cancer working group (NABON) and the NABON Breast cancer audit and PROMS sections, and the European Initiative on Breast cancer Care-Quality assurance Development group. Moreover, she leads the program on Women’s Health at the University of Twente.  

She has been president of the Netherlands Epidemiological Society.  


  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Breast Cancer
    • Patient
    • Therapeutic Procedure
    • Cancer Registry
    • Survival
    • Neoplasm
    • Hospital
    • Malignant Neoplasm


Ancillary activities

  • Integraal Kankercentrum Nederland (IKNL)headresearcher


Jump to: 2025 | 2024


Surgical treatment after neoadjuvant systemic therapy for HER2-positive invasive breast cancer in the Netherlands: 10-Year trends and the influence an accompanying DCIS component (2025)The Breast, 79. Article 103854. Ploumen, R. A. W., van Nijnatten, T. J. A., Kooreman, L. F. S., Voogd, A. C., Keymeulen, K. B. M. I., Siesling, S. & Smidt, M. L. Author Reflections: Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Patients with a Non-classic Lobular Carcinoma In Situ Breast Biopsy (2025)Annals of surgical oncology (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Westenend, P. J., Meurs, C. J. C., Siesling, S. & Menke-Pluijmers, M. B. E. toward Personalized Intervention Advice: A Survey Study on Preference Heterogeneity in Patients with Breast Cancer–Related Fatigue (2025)MDM Policy and Practice, 10(1). Beenhakker, L., Wijlens, K. A. E., Bode, C., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R., Siesling, S., van Til, J. & Witteveen, A. to forgo systemic treatment in patients with advanced esophageal or gastric cancer: A real‐world evidence study (2025)International journal of cancer (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Slotman, E., Pape, M., van Laarhoven, H. W. M., Pouw, R. E., van der Linden, Y. M., Verhoeven, R. H. A., Siesling, S., Fransen, H. P. & Raijmakers, N. J. H.


Surgery for Classic, Pleomorphic and Non-classic Lobular Carcinoma In Situ: Surgery Rate, Risk of Upstaging and Short-Term Follow-Up (2024)Annals of surgical oncology (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Meurs, C. J. C., Kerkhoven, C., Siesling, S., Menke-Pluijmers, M. B. E. & Westenend, P. J. added value of physical examination for breast cancer recurrence detection in women: A systematic review (2024)Clinical breast cancer (Accepted/In press). Godding, L. T. H., Klaassen-Dekker, A., Volders, J. H., van Hezewijk, M., Siemerink, E. J. M., van Uden, D., Veltman, J., Eijkelboom, A. & Siesling, S. Anti-HER2 Therapy to Neoadjuvant Endocrine Therapy Seems Effective in Hormone Receptor and HER2 Positive Breast Cancer Patients Unfit for Chemotherapy: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study (2024)Cancers, 16(24). Article 4188. de Bruijn, A., Schipper, R.-J., Voogd, A. C., Pullens, M. J. J., Bloemen, J. G., de Munck, L., van Riet, Y. E., Siesling, S., Vriens, B. E. P. & Nieuwenhuijzen, G. A. P. decision support for multidisciplinary clinical decision-making & reporting in breast cancer (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Hendriks, M. P. outcomes of young, node-negative, chemotherapy-naïve, triple-negative breast cancer patients according to BRCA1 status (2024)BMC Medicine, 22. Article 9. Wang, Y., Dackus, G. M. H. E., Rosenberg, E. H., Cornelissen, S., de Boo, L. W., Broeks, A., Brugman, W., Chan, T. W. S., van Diest, P. J., Hauptmann, M., ter Hoeve, N. D., Isaeva, O. I., de Jong, V. M. T., Jóźwiak, K., Kluin, R. J. C., Kok, M., Koop, E., Nederlof, P. M., Opdam, M., … Schmidt, M. K. Trends and Variations in Invasive Non-metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment in the Netherlands: A Nationwide Overview From 2008 to 2019 (2024)Clinical oncology, 36(12), 765-779. Evers, J., van der Sangen, M. J. C., van Maaren, M. C., Maduro, J. H., Strobbe, L., Aarts, M. J., Bloemers, M. C. W. M., van den Bongard, D. H. J. G., Struikmans, H. & Siesling, S. Monitoring and Health-Related Quality of Life in Non-metastatic Breast Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review (2024)Current Breast Cancer Reports, 16(4), 417-428. Vrancken Peeters, N. J. M. C., Koppert, L. B., Jager, A., Hendriks, M. P., Siesling, S. & van den Hurk, C. J. G. and patient-reported outcomes after oncoplastic versus conventional breast conserving surgery: a longitudinal, multicenter cohort study (2024)Journal of the National Cancer Institute (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Bargon, C. A., Mink van der Molen, D. R., Young-Afat, D. A., Batenburg, M. C. T., van Dam, I. E., Baas, I. O., Ernst, M. F., Maarse, W., Sier, M. F., Schoenmaeckers, E., Burgmans, J. P. J., Bijlsma, R., Siesling, S., Rakhorst, H. A., Mureau, M. A. M., van der Leij, F., Doeksen, A. & Verkooijen, H. M. versus real-world data in metastatic bladder cancer: A population-based study on first-line chemotherapy treatment patterns (2024)Urologic Oncology (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Slotman, E., Richters, A., Fransen, H. P., Smilde, T. J., van der Linden, Y. M., Siesling, S., Aben, K. K. H. & Raijmakers, N. J. H. INFLUENCE 3.0 model: updated predictions of locoregional recurrence and contralateral breast cancer, now also suitable for patients treated with neoadjuvant systemic therapy (2024)The Breast, 79. Article 103829 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). van Maaren , M. C., Hueting, T. A., van Uden, D. J. P., van Hezewijk, M., de Munck, L., Mureau, M. A. M., Seegers, P. A., Voorham, Q. J. M., Schmidt, M. K., Sonke, G. S., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, C. G. M. & Siesling, S. to guideline recommendations for follow-up in patients with DCIS at a large teaching hospital in the Netherlands (2024)Breast cancer research and treatment, 207(3), 633-640. Rajan, K. K., Nijveldt, J. J., Verheijen, S., Siesling, S., Beek, M. A. & Francken, A. B. Long-Term Outcomes in Population-Based Cancer Registry Data: The Case of Breast Cancer Recurrence (2024)JCO Global Oncology, 10. Article e2400249. Morgan, E., O'Neill, C., Bardot, A., Walsh, P., Woods, R. R., Gonsalves, L., Hawkins, S., Nygård, J. F., Negoita, S., Ramirez-Pena, E., Gelmon, K., Siesling, S., Cardoso, F., Gralow, J., Soerjomataram, I. & Arnold, M. and content validity of a holistic assessment questionnaire to assess cancer-related fatigue after breast cancer (2024)Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and Behavior, 12(4), 293-307. Wijlens, K. A. E., Witteveen, A., Beenhakker, L., Siemerink, E. J. M., Achterkamp, R., Siesling, S., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R. & Bode, C. signature-guided adjuvant systemic treatment adjustments in early-stage ER+ breast cancer patients: 7-year follow-up of a prospective multicenter cohort study (2024)Breast cancer research and treatment (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Verreck, E. E. F., Kuijer, A., van Steenhoven, J. E. C., Volders, J. H., van der Velden, A. W. G., Siesling, S., Timmer-Bonte, A. N. H., Smilde, T. J., Imholz, A. L. T., Blanken-Peeters, C. F. J. M., de Valk, B., Vrijaldenhoven, S., Lastdrager, W. B., Haringhuizen, A. W., Hunting, J. C. B., Hovenga, S., Nieboer, P., Zuetenhorst, H. M., Tetteroo, G. W. M., … van Dalen, T. korte, praktische vragenlijst voor borstkankerpatiënten in de klinische praktijk: een aanpassing van de NABON MiniPROM (2024)Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie, 21, 45-50. De Rooij, B. H., de Ligt, K., Verloop, J., Ezendam, N. P. M., Honkoop, A., Boersma, L. J., Schlooz-Vries, M., Siesling, S., Bessems, M. & Zeestraten, E.Pathologic complete response and survival after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in stage I TNBC: A registry-based study (2024)Annals of oncology, 35(Suppl 2). Article S311. de Graaf, M., Gielen, R., Balduzzi, S., Siesling, S. & Kok, M.

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