I am Assistant Professor for European Governance and Politics at the University of Twente. I teach courses on Multilevel institutions and governance, Policy-making in the European Union, and Europe in the World.

Before joining UT, I was a Research Associate at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence. Here I studied the preferences of EU member state governments concerning differentiated integration (Horizon 2020 project “InDivEU - Integrating Diversity in the European Union”). I have published the book “The EU’s Response to Brexit” with Brigid Laffan (Palgrave, 2023). Earlier, I was a Leibniz Fellow at Leipzig University (2019) and a visiting lecturer at the University of Yangon in Myanmar (2017/2018). I completed my PhD studies in the Marie Curie ITN “RegPol2 - Socio-economic and Political Responses to Regional Polarisation in Central and Eastern Europe” (2017).


  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance

    • Transaction Costs
    • EU Regional Policy
    • Innovation
  • Social Sciences

    • Decision Maker
    • Transaction Cost
    • Cohesion
    • Consequences
    • Policy


My research focuses on the politics of European integration. I am especially interested in the drivers and constrains to integration; and in the impact of integration on statehood in Europe.


Other contributions


Laffan, Brigid; Telle, Stefan (2023) The EU’s Response to Brexit. United and Effective. Palgrave Macmillan.


Special Issues (Editorship)

Doidge, Mathew; Brunazzo, Marco; Telle, Stefan (eds.) Special Issue: The Member States and Differentiated Integration in the European Union. Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies 13(3/2021).


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Telle, Stefan (under review at Journal of European Integration)Exceptions to a fair scheme of cooperation? A normative assessment of three different forms of Differentiated Integration in the European Union.

Telle, Stefan; De Blok, Lisanne; De Vries, Catherine; Cicchi, Lorenzo (2022) Elite-Mass linkages in the preference formation on differentiated integration, Journal of Common Market Studies.

Telle, Stefan; Badulescu, Claudia, Fernandes, Daniel (2022) Governmental attitudes towards polity differentiation in the EU: Are member state characteristics key? Comparative European Politics.

Telle, Stefan (2022) Book review of "Negotiating Unity and Diversity in the European Union”, by F. Bieber and R. Bieber (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(2), p. 499.

Telle, Stefan and Svensson, Sara (2020) An organizational ecology approach to EGTC creation in East Central Europe, Regional and Federal Studies 30(1), pp. 47-71.

Telle, Stefan (2019) Populism and Citizenship in the European Union: Beyond Supply- and Demand-Explanations, Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists (Open Access).

Telle, Stefan (2017) EU Governance and EU Cohesion Policy. Reflexive Adaptation or Inconsistent Coordination? Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, Volume 1 (1) June 2017, pp. 45-64 (Open Access).

Telle, Stefan (2017) Euroregions as Soft Spaces: Between Consolidation and Transformation, European Spatial Research and Policy, pp. 95-112 (Open Access).

Telle, Stefan (2017) An Institutionalist View on Experimentalist Governance: Local-level obstacles to policy-learning in European Union Cohesion Policy, European Journal of Spatial Development, 66 (Open Access).


Chapters in Edited Volumes and Special Issues

Telle, Stefan (2023) Differenzierte Integration. (K)ein Thema im politischen Diskurs der Mitgliedstaaten?, Integration 46 (2) (Special issue Differentaited Integration), Eds. Frank Schimmelfennig and Funda Tekin, pp. 128-145.

Telle, Stefan; Brunazzo, Marco; Doidge, Mathew (2021) The Member States and Differentiated Integration in the European Union, Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies 13(3), pp. 2-8.

Telle, Stefan; Špaček, Martin; Crǎciun, Daniela (2019) Divergent Paths to Cohesion: The (unintended) consequences of a place-based Cohesion Policy, in Lang, Thilo and Görmar, Franziska (eds.) Regional Policy in times of social and spatial polarization, pp. 149-172, Palgrave (Open Access).


Working Papers

Telle, Stefan; Badulescu, Claudia, Fernandes, Daniel (2021) Differentiated integration in the EU - What do the member states ‘think’ about it? EUI RSC Working Paper.

Telle, Stefan (2021) The Politics of Differentiated Integration: What do Governments Want? Country Report - Ireland. EUI RSC Working Paper.

Telle, Stefan (2020) Where else does demand for populism come from in the EU?

Telle, Stefan (2019) 1989-2019: From the End of History to the Golden Straitjacket and back? European integration and populism.

Research profiles

In the Bachelor programme Management, Society and Technology:

Module 1 Multilevel Institutions and Goverance (3 EC)

Module 7a Policy-Making in the European Union (4 EC)

Module 8a Europe and the World (4 EC)

In the Master programme European Studies:

European Institutional Framework (5 EC)

I also supervise Bachelor and Master thesis projects.

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2024/2025

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Short video explainer on "The EU's Response to Brexit" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGRReCidHgU


University of Twente

Capitool 15 (building no. 78), room 117
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7521 PL Enschede

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