I am a records manager and I am concerned with the archiving of the faculties EEMCS and ET.Ā 

I am concerned with among other things:Ā 

To adviseĀ 

Processing documentsĀ 

Storage and destructionĀ 

Placement in the archive repository if it is eligibleĀ 

Ā So I am their first point of contact regarding archiving.Ā 

In my absence, my colleagues can always be contacted if there are any urgent questions.Ā 



University of Twente

Zilverling (building no. 11), room 1096
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede

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University of Twente

Vrijhof (building no. 47), room 374
De Veldmaat 5
7522 NM Enschede

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