As a social and forensic psychologist, it is my passion to advance the scientific underpinnings and application of strategies that foster sustainable conflict resolution and emotional restoration after serious conflicts and crime. I do this by examining the uptake and impact of services (mediation, courses) and interventions (restorative circles, de-escalation strategies), as well as their psychological dynamics. In addition, I aim to optimize and expand such services and interventions through the use of technology – for example, the use of human – avatar interactions in virtual reality to prepare for mediation or as an alternative when mediation is unfeasible.   


  • Psychology

    • Groups
    • Attitudes
    • Expectations
    • Emotion
    • Behavior
    • Research
    • Shame
    • Connectedness



Handboek mediation. SDU. Bonenkamp, D., Elferink, J., Prein, H., Simon Thomas, M. & Zebel, S.Effectiviteit van het mediationproces: Inzichten uit wetenschappelijk onderzoekIn Handboek mediation (pp. 81-93). SDU. Zebel, S.Digitale middelenIn Handboek mediation (pp. 471-481). SDU. Elferink, J. & Zebel, S.HerstelbemiddelingIn Handboek mediation (pp. 705-721). SDU. Zebel, S. & de Haan, G.Feeling Powerless and Finding Support: Dynamics of Power Perceptions and Empowering Interventions in Legal Conflicts . University of Twente. van Dijk, M. A. J.

Other contributions

Peer-reviewed articles

  • Zebel, S., Schreurs, W., & Ufkes, E. G. (2017).  Crime seriousness and participation in restorative justice: The role of time elapsed since the offense. Law and Human Behavior, 41, 385-397DOI: 10.1037/lhb0000242
  • Dijk, M. van, Giebels, E., & Zebel, S. (2016). Building strength or lending an ear in legal conflicts: Dependence and conflict asymmetry as distinct predictors of needs for support. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 9, 3-21DOI: 10.1111/ncmr.12066
  • Magendans, J., Gutteling, J., & Zebel, S. (2016). Psychological determinants of financial buffer saving: The influence of financial risk tolerance and regulatory focus. Journal of Risk Research, DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2016.1147491
  • Claessen, J.A.A.C., Zeles, G., Zebel, S. & Nelen, H. (2015). Bemiddeling in strafzaken in Maastricht III. Onderzoek naar recidive bij jeugdigen en volwassenen.[Mediation in criminal cases in Maastricht III: An examination of the recidivism rates of juveniles and adults]. Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht, 15 (4), 9-24.
  • Claessen, J.A.A.C., Zeles, G., Zebel, S. & Nelen, H. (2015). Bemiddeling in strafzaken in Maastricht II. Onderzoek naar de samenhang tussen bemiddeling en recidive. [Mediation in criminal cases in Maastricht II: An examination of the association between mediation and recidivism rates]. Nederlands Juristenblad29, 2015-2025.
  • Schreurs, W., Zebel, S., & Ufkes, E. (2014). Slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling bij ernstige misdrijven. [Victim-offender mediation after serious offenses]. Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht, 14 (4), 10-22.
  • Zebel, S., Vries, P. de, Karemaker, M., & Ufkes, E. (2014). Monitoren moet zicht geven op groep jeugdige cyberdaders [Monitoring as a way to gain insight into group of youthful offenders of cybercrime]. Secondant, 6 oktober 2014, link
  • Kamau, C., Giner-Sorolla, R., & Zebel, S. (2013). Reconciliation responses, blame and expressions of guilt or shame. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, E287–E292DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12048
  • Figueiredo, A. M., Doosje, B., Valentim, J. P., & Zebel, S. (2010). Dealing with past colonial conflicts: How perceived characteristics of the victimized outgroup can influence the experience of group-based guilt. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 4, 89-105.
  • Zebel, S., Doosje, B., & Spears, R. (2009). How perspective-taking helps and hinders group-based guilt as a function of group identification. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 12, 61-78.
  • Zebel, S., Doosje, B., & Spears, R. (2009). The threat of those who “understand”: Ways in which out-groups induce guilt. European Journal of Social Psychology39, 154-162.
  • Pennekamp, S. F., Doosje, B., Zebel, S., & Henriquez, A. A. (2009). In matters of opinion, what matters is the group: Minority group members’ emotional reactions to messages about identity expression. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology¸ 45, 778-787.
  • Leach, C. W., Van Zomeren, M., Zebel, S., Vliek, M. L. W., Pennekamp, S. F., Doosje, B., Ouwerkerk, J. W., & Spears, R. (2008). Group-level self-definition and self-investment: A hierarchical (multi-component) model of in-group identification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 144-165. 
  • Zebel, S., Zimmermann, A., Viki, G. T., & Doosje, B. (2008). Dehumanization and guilt as related but distinct predictors of support for reparation policies. Political Psychology, 29, 193-219.
  • Doosje, B., Zebel, S., Scheermeier, M., & Mathyi, P. (2007). Attributions of responsibility for terrorist attacks: The role of group membership and identification. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 1, 127-141  
  • Zebel, S., Pennekamp, S. F., Van Zomeren, M., Doosje, B., Van Kleef, G. A., Vliek, M. L. W., & Van der Schalk, J. (2007). Vessels with gold or guilt: Emotional reactions to family involvement associated with glorious or gloomy aspects of the colonial past. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10, 71-86.
  • Pennekamp, S. F., Doosje, B., Zebel, S., & Fischer, A. H. (2007). The past and the pending: The antecedents and consequences of group-based anger in historically and currently disadvantaged groups. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10, 41-56.

Research reports (externally funded)

  • Zebel, S., Vroom, M. & Ufkes, E. (2016). Herstelgerichte cursussen in detentie: Evaluatie van Puinruimen, SOS en DAPPER. [Victim impact courses among prisoners: An evaluation of Puinruimen, SOS en DAPPER]. Research commissioned by the WODC. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. link
  • Zebel, S., Vries, P. de, Giebels, E., Kuttschreuter, M. & Stol, W. (2014). Jeugdige daders van cybercrime in Nederland: Een empirische verkenning [Youthful offenders of cybercrime in the Netherland: An empirical exploration.] Research commissioned by the WODC. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. link
  • Zebel, S., Alberda, D. & Wartna, B. (2014). Recidive na een reclasseringscontact: Overzicht en analyse van de terugval van personen met een werkstraf of toezicht in de periode 2002-2009 [Recidivism after probation contact: Overview and analyses of the relapse into crime of individuals with a community service sanction or probation supervision during 2002-2009.] Research commissioned by the three probation organisations in the Netherlands. Den Haag: WODC / Universiteit Twente. link

Book chapters:

  • Top, E., Zebel, S., & Van der Berg, M. (2015). Slachtoffer-dadercontact: een stap verder in de verwerking. [Victim-offender contact: a step further in the recovery of crime.]. In J. van Vliet (Ed.), De recidivist als medeburger. [The recidivist as fellow civilian] (121-134). Amsterdam: SWP.
  • Zebel, S., Vries, P. de, Giebels, E., Kuttschreuter, M., Stol, W., Karemaker, M., & Ufkes, E. (2015). Een screenshot van jeugdige daders van cybercrime in Nederland [A screenshot of youthful offenders of cybercrime in the Netherlands]. In I. Weijers en Eliaerts, C. (Eds.), Jeugdcriminologie: Achtergronden van jeugdcriminaliteit [Youth criminology: Background factors of juvenile delinquency] (pp. 355-372). Den Haag: Boom Lemma.
  • Van der Berg, M. & Zebel, S. (2013). Onderbouwing van een structurele voorziening voor slachtoffers: Effecten van de Nederlandse slachtoffer-dadergesprekken. [Substantiation of a structural service for victims: Effects of the Dutch victim-offender meetings]. In J. Ouwerkerk, T. de Wit, J. Claessen, P. Jacobs, & S. Meijer (Eds.), Hoe te reageren op misdaad? Op zoek naar de hedendaagse betekenis van preventie, vergelding en herstel. [How to respond to crime? In search of the contemporary meaning of prevention, retribution and restoration.] Den Haag: SDU Uitgevers.
  • Zebel, S. (2012). Een quasi-experimentele studie naar de effecten van de Nederlandse slachtoffer-dadergesprekken [A quasi-experimental study into the effects of the Dutch victim-offender meetings]. In I. Weijers (Ed.), Bemiddeling na strafbare feiten: De Nederlandse slachtoffer-dadergesprekken [Mediation after punishable offences: The Dutch victim-offender meetings] (pp. 21-44). Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers.
  • Zebel, S., Lelivelt, M., & Duinstra, U. (2009). Slachtoffers en daders over en met elkaar: Slachtoffer in Beeld [Victims and offenders about and with each other: Victim in Focus]. In S. Leferink (Ed.), Goed recht: 25 jaar Slachtofferhulp Nederland [Proper Justice: 25 years Victim Support The Netherlands] (pp.228-237). Utrecht: Slachtofferhulp Nederland.
  • Zebel, S., Doosje, B., & Spears, R. (2004). It depends on your point of view: Implications of perspective-taking and national identification for Dutch collective guilt. In N.R. Branscombe & B. Doosje (Eds.), Collective guilt: International perspectives (pp.148-168). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Research profiles

Current PhD projects supervision:

  • Marleen Haandrikman, April 2024 – present (UT-BMS/EECMS). The power of Systems Thinking: Fostering Psychological Resilience and Restoring Safe Sports. Role: co-promotor. Other members supervison team: prof. dr. Nicolette van Veldhoven-Schippers (UT – BMS/EECMS, promotor); dr. Dennis Reidsma (UT-EECMS).
  • Marleen Kragting, October 2022 – present; VU / NSCR). The longitudinal impact of restorative justice practices on victims and offenders. Role: promotor. Other members supervision team: dr. Alice Bosma (NSCR; co-promotor); dr. Nieke Elbers (VU /NSCR; co-promotor); dr. Chantal van den Berg (NSCR; co-promotor); prof. dr. Antony Pemberton (NSCR; promotor).  
  • Florian Bonensteffen, MSc (June 2018 – present; UT). Design and implementation of ICT-based communication systems in victim-offender mediation. Role: Daily supervisor and co-promotor. Promotor: prof. dr. Ellen Giebels (UT).
  • Ben Ganschow, MSc (October 2018 – present; Leiden University). FutureU: Testing a new intervention to reduce delinquency using serious gaming and virtual reality. Role: Co-promotor. Promotor: prof. dr. Jean-Louis van Gelder (UL / Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law [ Freiburg]).

Completed PhD projects:

  • dr. Marian van Dijk. Title dissertation: Feeling powerless and finding support: dynamics of power perceptions and empowering interventions in legal conflicts. Role: Daily supervisor & co-promotor. Promotor: Ellen Giebels (UT). Successfully defended on March 8, 2024.
  • dr. Jiska Jonas – van Dijk. Title dissertation: Opening the black box of victim-offender mediation: Does participation in VOM reduce offenders' risk of reoffending and, if so, how? Role: Daily supervisor & promotor. Other promotors: prof. dr. Hans Nelen and prof. dr. Jacques Claessen (Maastricht University). Successfully defended, February 7th, 2024.
  • dr. Sjoerd Pennekamp. Title dissertation “Dynamics of disadvantage: Uncovering the role of group-based anger”. Promotor: prof. dr. E. J. Doosje (University of Amsterdam). Co-promotor: dr. S. Zebel. Successfully defended October 1st, 2008.


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