I work as Policy Advisor Research at the BMS Research Support Office. We offer support on a broad range of topics, ranging from grant support, to ethics, privacy, and policy support.

At the moment, main topics in my work are:

  • (societal) impact; what do we mean by this and how can we support our researchers?   
  • the midterm research evaluation
  • projects around diversity and inclusion, and internationalisation
  • ad hoc projects, like setting up events, or working on visibility of the Research Support Office

I believe that policy should always be informed by the experiences of the user, if you have thoughts you wish to share, please reach out!

I am also active at Th!nk with Pride, the UT platform for LGBTQ+ staff and students.



University of Twente

Cubicus (building no. 41), room C131
De Zul 10
7522 NJ Enschede

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Additional contact information

If you wish to reach Th!nk with Pride, send an email to pride@utwente.nl

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