Ton Bor is an associate professor in the Production Technology chair of the Engineering Technology faculty. He received his master degree on Materials Science with honors in 1994 on the topic of solid-state welding of ceramics in the Welding Technology group (prof. G. den Ouden) of the Technical University of Delft. Then, he continued at this university with a PhD in the sections Physical Chemistry of the Solid State (prof. E.J. Mittemeijer) and Micromechanics of Materials (prof. E. van der Giessen) on strain fields in crystalline solids. After completion of the PhD in 2000, he continued his stay in both sections with a post-doctoral research. Then, he moved for two years to Malvern/Panalytical in Almelo to work as an X-ray diffraction specialist. In 2004 he started as an assistant professor in the Production Technology chair of Remko Akkerman. His research interest covers various areas including fiber reinforced composite materials, X-ray and mechanical analysis of crystalline materials, microstructural modeling of metals and alloys, and solid-state additive manufacturing of high strength aluminium and magnesium alloys (FSEAM).

Teaching activities include various courses and projects on Materials Science in the Mechanical Engineering bachelor and master. Furthermore, he is involved with the interdisciplinary master Materials Science and Engineering. 


  • Material Science

    • Laser
    • Material
    • Friction
    • Temperature
    • Three Dimensional Printing
    • Surface
    • Composite Material
  • Chemistry

    • Procedure



Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Residual Stress and Bond Strength in Friction Surface Cladding ProcessJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Naserinejad, K., Masoumi, A., Bor, T. C. & Mashhadi, M. M. Influence of the Deposition Speed during Friction Screw Extrusion Additive Manufacturing of AA6060In Key Engineering Materials (pp. 33-40). Sayyad Rezaeinejad, S., Strik, D. H., Bor, T. C., Luckabauer, M. & Akkerman, R. Metal Production: Solid-State Additive Manufacturing of an Al-Mg-Si Alloy Using FSEAM. Sayyad Rezaeinejad, S., Bor, T. C., Luckabauer, M. & Akkerman, R.Solid-State Additive Manufacturing of AA6060 Employing Friction Screw Extrusion Additive ManufacturingJOM, 75(10), 4199-4211. Rezaeinejad, S. S., Strik, D. H., Visser, R. M., Bor, T. C., Luckabauer, M. & Akkerman, R. screw extrusion additive manufacturing of an Al-Mg-Si alloyAdditive manufacturing, 72, Article 103621. Bor, T., Leede, M. d., Deunk, F., Lind, J., Lievestro, W., Smit, H.-J., Ariës, R., Dolas, V., Helthuis, N., Luckabauer, M. & Akkerman, R. Feasibility Study on Friction Screw Extrusion Additive Manufacturing of AA6060In Friction Stir Welding and Processing XII (pp. 27-38). Springer. Bor, T. C., Strik, D. H., Sayyad Rezaeinejad, S., Helthuis, N. G. J., Vos, G. S., Luckabauer, M. & Akkerman, R.

Research profiles

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023


Visiting address

University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room N203
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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