Dr. Tessa Dekkers is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Behavioural, Management, and Social Sciences at the University of Twente. With a background in Industrial Design Engineering and Social and Health Psychology, their research focuses on equitable eHealth through codesign. Their work encompasses three main strands: providing guidance on involving people in vulnerable situations in codesign processes, conducting fundamental research on knowledge manifestation in codesign, and leading participatory design projects aimed at improving the well-being of LGBTQI+ youth. Alongside their research, Dr. Tessa Dekkers is dedicated to teaching and mentorship, supervising over 80 theses to date, and coordinating courses in Health Psychology and Digital Health Technology at the bachelor, master, and post-master level. 


  • Psychology

    • Mental Illness
    • Health
  • Social Sciences

    • Intervention
    • Design
    • Effectiveness
    • Consumers
  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Control
    • Experiment




A Mobile Self-control Training App to Improve Self-control and Physical Activity in People With Severe Mental Illness: Protocol for 2 Single-Case Experimental Designs (2023)JMIR research protocols, 12. Article e37727. Dekkers, T., Heirbaut, T., Schouten, S. E., Kelders, S. M., Beerlage-de Jong, N., Ludden, G. D. S., Deenik, J., Bouman, Y. H. A. & Kip, H.https://doi.org/10.2196/37727Developing a Digital Medication Adherence Intervention for and With Patients With Asthma and Low Health Literacy: Protocol for a Participatory Design Approach (2023)JMIR Formative Research, 7. Article e35112. Faber, J. S., Poot, C. C., Dekkers, T., Herrera, N. R., Chavannes, N. H., Meijer, E. & Visch, V. T.https://doi.org/10.2196/35112Persuasive Co-Design of Self-Control Intervention App (SCIPP) for People with Severe Mental Illness (2023)In PERSUASIVE-ADJ 2023, : Persuasive 2023 Adjunct Proceedings (CEUR workshop proceedings; Vol. 3474). Dekkers, T., Heirbaut, T., Schouten, S. & Kip, H.

Other contributions

Dekkers, T., Melles, M., Groeneveld, B. S., & de Ridder, H. (2018). Web-based patient education in orthopedics: systematic review. Journal of medical Internet research20(4), e143.

Dekkers, T., Melles, M., Mathijssen, N. M., Vehmeijer, S. B., & de Ridder, H. (2018). Tailoring the orthopaedic consultation: How perceived patient characteristics influence surgeons’ communication. Patient education and counseling101(3), 428-438.

Dekkers, T., & Hertroijs, D. F. (2018). Tailored Healthcare: Two Perspectives on the Development and Use of Patient Profiles. Advances in therapy35(9), 1453-1459.

Groeneveld, B., Melles, M., Vehmeijer, S., Mathijssen, N., Dekkers, T., & Goossens, R. (2019). Developing digital applications for tailored communication in orthopaedics using a Research through Design approach. Digital health5, 2055207618824919.

Groeneveld, B., Dekkers, T., Boon, B., & D’Olivo, P. (2018). Challenges for design researchers in healthcare. Design for Health2(2), 305-326.

Kwasnicka, D., Inauen, J., Nieuwenboom, W., Nurmi, J., Schneider, A., Short, C. E., ... & Picariello, F. (2019). Challenges and solutions for N-of-1 design studies in health psychology. Health psychology review13(2), 163-178.

de Ridder, E. F., Dekkers, T., Porsius, J. T., Kraan, G., & Melles, M. (2018). The perioperative patient experience of hand and wrist surgical patients: An exploratory study using patient journey mapping. Patient Experience Journal5(3), 97-107.

van Smoorenburg, A. N., Hertroijs, D. F., Dekkers, T., Elissen, A. M., & Melles, M. (2019). Patients’ perspective on self-management: type 2 diabetes in daily life. BMC health services research19(1), 1-8.

Research profiles


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