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Thomas van Rompay is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Science of the University of Twente (UT) in the Netherlands. He has a background in cognitive psychology. After obtaining his master degree at Leiden University, he pursued his PhD at Delft Technical University, Department of Industrial Design Engineering. Specifically, he studied design experience from an embodied cognition perspective, investigating how design communicates meaning and affect. Since 2005, he works at The University of Twente.  

His current research projects take place on the threshold of design and psychology where he studies influences of environmental design (and ‘green’ / natural stimuli in particular) and technology on health and wellbeing, and the potential of innovations in packaging design (multisensory design and 3D printing) for promoting responsible (food and beverage) consumption.

In addition, Van Rompay collaborates in multi-disciplinary projects in order to develop design and technology for people with health challenges, amongst others in ZonMW's "Growing Roots: Connecting Elderly through Virtual Nature Spaces", in Horizon 2020's "MinD: Designing for people with Dementia" and in Connecting Industries' (Top Technology Twente) “Digital Nature - Enhancing patient care & control” (in collaboration with Philips Research])".

At the UT, he participates in tech-inspired programs in close collaboration with BMSLAB and teaches and works at the University’s DesignLab where he is a DL-fellow.


  • Psychology

    • Research
    • Wellbeing
    • Evaluation
    • Congruence
  • Computer Science

    • Design
  • Social Sciences

    • Consumers
    • Meaning
    • Perception


Thomas van Rompay is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Science of the University of Twente (UT) in the Netherlands. He has a background in cognitive psychology. After obtaining his master degree at Leiden University, he pursued his PhD at Delft Technical University, Department of Industrial Design Engineering. Specifically, he studied design experience from an embodied cognition perspective, investigating how design communicates meaning and affect. Since 2005, he works at The University of Twente. His current research projects take place on the threshold of design and psychology where he studies, amongst others, influences of environmental design and technology on health and wellbeing, and multi-sensory experiences as a function of packaging design. In addition, Van Rompay collaborates in multi-disciplinary projects in order to develop design and technology for people with health challenges, amongst others in ZonMW's "Growing Roots: Connecting Elderly through Virtual Nature Spaces", and in Horizon 2020's "MinD: Designing for people with Dementia". At the UT, he participates in tech-inspired programs including Living Smart Campus and Tech4People. Furthermore, he teaches and works at the University’s DesignLab where he is a DL-fellow.


Designing digital nature for older adults: A mixed method approach, 1-14. van Houwelingen - Snippe, J., Ben Allouch, S. & van Rompay, T. J. L. a Morning Forest to a Sunset Beach: Understanding Visual Experiences and the Roles of Personal Characteristics for Designing Relaxing Digital Nature (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Kim, C. M., van Rompay, T. J. L., Louwers, G., Yoon, J. K. & Ludden, G. D. S.‘That is a place where I would want to go’: investigating digital nature to enhance social wellbeing among older adults., 1-24. van Houwelingen - Snippe, J., Ben Allouch, S. & van Rompay, T. J. L. yourself: Spacious nature and the connected self, Article 102108. van Rompay, T. J. L., Oran, S., Galetzka, M. & van den Berg, A. E. Non-Technical Stakeholders in System Architecture Design; a Case-Study on the Cleaning IndustryIn 33rd Annual INCOSE International Symposium 15–20 July 2023 — Honolulu, HI (pp. 998-1012). van Zijl, R., Raub, T., van Rompay, T. J. L., Nizamis, K. & Bonnema, G. M. IoT, easy as anything?: Uncovering the importance of digital skills for the Internet of Things. University of Twente. de Boer, P. S., not competitors: Development of a value-based design toolbox for responsible cleaning robotisation. University of Twente. Raub, T.Exploring associations of older adults with virtual nature: a randomised factorial online survey (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Otten, K., van Rompay, T. J. L., van 't Klooster, J.-W., Gerritsen, D. L. & Westerhof, G. J., values and consumers: The importance of values in consumer behaviour. University of Twente. Voorn, R. J. J. on the move—can we keep up? Activity tracker performance test to measure data and strategic skills, 3377-3387. Boer, P. S. d., Deursen, A. J. A. M. v. & Rompay, T. J. L. v.
Assessing the generalisability of a multicentre qualitative dementia research: the experience and challenges faced by the MinD project in Europe, Article 1:64. Lim, J. N. W., Niedderer, K., Tournier, I., Almeida, R., Harrison, D., Holthoff-Detto, V., Ludden, G., van Rompay, T., van der Voort, M., Galansinska, A., Smith, T., Lasada, R., Aguado, Y. B., Druschke, D., Berit, Z. & Zanasi, M. to be taken) with a grain of salt: Enhancing perceived saltiness by 3D-printed surface textures, Article 104279. van Rompay, T., van Ooijen, I., Groothedde, S. & Saakes, D. Reality Representations of Nature to Improve Well‑Being amongst Older Adults: A Rapid Review, 464-485. van Houwelingen-Snippe, J., Ben Allouch, S. & van Rompay, T. J. L. and Strategy Analysis of Technology-Based Nonpharmacological Interventions for In-Hospital Delirium Prevention and Reduction: Systematic Scoping Review, Article e26079. Kim, C. M., van der Heide, E. M., van Rompay, T. J. L., Verkerke, G. J. & Ludden, G. D. S. inequalities in the Internet of Things: differences in attitudes, material access, skills, and usage, 258-276. van Deursen, A. J. A. M., van der Zeeuw, A., de Boer, P., Jansen, G. & van Rompay, T. in the skies: Exploring the effects of social presence cues on undesired and pro-social behaviour. University of Twente. Jansen, A. M. values as added value(s) in consumer brand congruence: a comparison with traits and functional requirements, 48–59. Voorn, R. J. J., van der Veen, G., van Rompay, T. J. L., Hegner, S. M. & Pruyn, A. T. H.

Research profiles

Thomas van Rompay teaches in multi-disciplinary courses in which relationships between design & technology and societal challenges take centre stage, such as:

MA course ‘Design and Behavior Change’ (in collaboration with ET-IDE).

The goal of this course is to connect theory and practice and come up with a concept/prototype of a design intervention in the context of a specific societal challenge (e.g., active lifestyle promotion). Students work in mixed teams (CS/IDE/HMI) with the goal to enable a multidisciplinary perspective on current societal issues.

BA course ‘Communication by Design’

Focus in this bachelor course is on communication by means of creative technology (VR technology as a way to immerse people in restorative environments with the goal to enhance performance and wellbeing) and/or multisensory design (packaging design to promote healthy food consumption and healthy lifestyle development).

MA course ‘Societal Challenges’

Goal of this course is to engage students with stakeholders in the context of a specific (NWO/EU-based) societal challenge (e.g., green energy transition, mobile technology use and social dynamics, healthy living). It includes reflection on the role of communication in the specific challenge at stake. Through this course, we aim to complement students’ academic skills and mindset with an acute sense of where and how communication professionals can make a difference in the world of tomorrow.

Affiliated study programs

Courses academic year 2023/2024

Courses in the current academic year are added at the moment they are finalised in the Osiris system. Therefore it is possible that the list is not yet complete for the whole academic year.

Courses academic year 2022/2023

Van Rompay collaborates in multi-disciplinary projects in order to develop design and technology for people with health challenges, amongst others in:

- ZonMW - Create Health: "Growing Roots: Connecting Elderly through Virtual Nature Spaces".

- Connecting Industries (Top Technology Twente): “Digital Nature - Enhancing patient care & control

- Horizon 2020's "MinD: Designing for people with Dementia".

At the UT, he participates in tech-inspired programs in close collaboration with BMSLAB and the University’s DesignLab where he is a DL-fellow.

Recent media appearances:

THOMAS VAN ROMPAY - OPMERKELIJK - TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR BELANGWEKKENDE BIJZAKEN (DE VOLKSKRANT - 14 NOVEMBER 2017) ZOALS HET KOPJE AANVOELT, ZO SMAAKT DE KOFFIE!/2017/11/27338/thomas-van-rompay-opmerkelijk-tijdschrift-voor-belangwekkende-bijzaken-de-volkskrant-14-november-2017


University of Twente

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De Zul 10
7522 NJ Enschede

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