As a doctoral researcher in the department of High-tech Business and Entrepreneurship - a sub-division of the Entrepreneurship and Technology Management Group within the Faculty of Behavioural, Management, and Social Sciences -  Tina is driven by a passion for driving positive change through digital solutions. Her research specialization lies in evaluating the impact of organizational change initiatives, with a particular focus on digital social innovation.

Tina's dissertation revolves around conceptualizing and assessing the transformative power of technology-driven social change. Within the scope of her research, she is currently conducting a case study within the H2020 'dRural' project, which is centered around rural development. Drawing on social capital theory and leveraging her hands-on experience in developing and implementing business strategies, Tina develops frameworks, measurement indicators, and visualization tools to guide organizations in addressing societal problems, allocating resources, and selecting appropriate activities.

Recognizing the importance of impact co-creation, Tina employs experimental and participatory action research methodologies to ensure that the voices of those directly affected by these initiatives are not only heard but also valued and incorporated into the evaluation process.

If you share Tina's passion for organizational change management, digital social innovation, and rural development, she warmly invites you to connect with her to explore potential collaborations and opportunities for advancing positive change.


#ImpactEvaluation #SocialCapital #ExperimentalDesign #ParticipatoryActionResearch


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University of Twente

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