
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Polarization Microscopy
    • Raman Spectrometry
    • Synovial Fluid
    • Gout
    • Patient
    • Arthritis
    • Diagnosis
    • Joint



Diagnostic Accuracy of Raman Spectroscopy Integrated With Polarized Light Microscopy for Calcium Pyrophosphate–Associated ArthritisArthritis care & research (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Niessink, T., Janssen, M., Giesen, T., Efdé, M. N., Comarniceanu, A. C., Otto, C. & Jansen, T. L. spectroscopic analysis of joint capsule calcification of the fingersClinical rheumatology, 43, 1783-1784 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Jansen, T. L., Janssen, M., Otto, C., Vosters, J. L. G. & Niessink, T. Prevalence of Titanium Dioxide Particles in Synovial Fluid Samples Drops after European Union BanGout, Urate, and Crystal Deposition Disease, 2(1), 45-51. Niessink, T., Janssen, M., Jansen, T. L. & Otto, C.
Test characteristics of Raman spectroscopy integrated with polarized light microscopy for the diagnosis of acute gouty arthritisJoint bone spine, 90(6), Article 105611. Niessink, T., Giesen, T., Efdé, M., Comarniceanu, A., Janssen, M., Otto, C. & Jansen, T. L. image: synovitis of the metacarpophalangeal jointsAnnals of the rheumatic diseases, 82, Article 223290, 992-993 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Weele, L. v. d., Niessink, T., Maas, M., Griot, P. D., Janssen, M., Otto, C., Jansen, T. L., Tas, S. W. & Vries, N. d. carbonates are novel positive birefringent crystals in synovial fluidClinical rheumatology, 42, 635-636. Niessink, T., Otto, C., Janssen, M. & Jansen, T. L. hyperspectral imaging detects novel and combinations of crystals in synovial fluids of patients with a swollen jointJournal of raman spectroscopy, 54(1), 47-53. Niessink, T., Kuipers, C., Jong, B. Z. d., Lenferink, A. T. M., Janssen, M., Jansen, T. L. & Otto, C.

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