I am an Assistant Professor in the Semantics, Cybersecurity and Services group of the university of Twente.

My research focuses on security automation and the integration of machine learning and AI techniques into security solutions. More specifically, I am interested in the application of large language models (LLMs), network-based intrusion detection and the continuous integration of such systems in dynamic, rapidly changing environments. To this end, I focus on anomaly detection, contextual security analysis using deep neural networks, and the application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for sharing cyber threat intelligence.

I strongly believe in open, collaborative science, where researchers can easily and quickly access previous research. To that end, I maintain several security tools that have been developed through research efforts.

Finally, I love Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions, and I am involved in the organization of the Twente Hacking Squad, the University of Twente's student hacking team.




Text2Weak: mapping CVEs to CWEs using description embeddings analysis (2024)In The 4th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Cybersecurity Analytics. Simonetto, S., van Ede, T. S., Bosch, P. & Jonker, W.https://ai4cyber-kdd.com/KDD-AISec_files/Submission_8_final.pdf


Comprehending Security Events: Context-Based Identification and Explanation (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van Ede, T. S.https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036558891Code for Appscanner: Automatic fingerprinting of smartphone apps from encrypted network traffic (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. van Ede, T.https://doi.org/10.4121/db4fbbb9-fe7d-44b0-b8ec-02a8c81481d9Code for DeepCASE: Semi-Supervised Contextual Analysis of Security Events (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. van Ede, T., Aghakhani, H., Spahn, N., Bortolameotti, R., Cova, M., Continella, A., van Steen, M., Peter, A., Kruegel, C. & Vigna, G.https://doi.org/10.4121/86c12ba1-7709-45c3-ade3-897552f98ca3Code for DeepLog: Anomaly detection and diagnosis from system logs through deep learning (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. van Ede, T.https://doi.org/10.4121/7a6086ad-1cd1-4a76-be8a-b7c0b6d17311Code for Detecting Anomalous Misconfigurations in AWS Identity and Access Management Policies (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. van Ede, T., Khasuntsev, N., Steen, B. & Continella, A.https://doi.org/10.4121/948f9457-d168-4eb6-9523-bc235a871e83Code for FlowPrint: Semi-Supervised Mobile-App Fingerprinting on Encrypted Network Traffic (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. van Ede, T., Bortolameotti, R., Continella, A., Ren, J., Dubois, D. J., Lindorfer, M., Choffnes, D., van Steen, M. & Peter, A.https://doi.org/10.4121/e08823b5-ceff-4ebc-a967-290ef9cacc7eCode for Threat Intelligence Processing - Unleashing the Real Power of Natural Language Processing for Cyber Threat Intelligence (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. van Ede, T., Binyamini, H., Engelberg, G., Klein, D., Guizzardi, G., Caselli, M., Continella, A., van Steen, M. & Peter, A.https://doi.org/10.4121/f28346c4-09eb-49e2-bcbc-6bb07bde1970Code for Tiresias: Predicting Security Events Through Deep Learning (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. van Ede, T.https://doi.org/10.4121/4e12761f-716a-4ea6-b08c-a6a6e459893dHoneyKube: Designing and Deploying a Microservices-based Web Honeypot (2023)In Proceeding - 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, SPW 2023 (pp. 1-11) (Proceeding - IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW); Vol. 2023). IEEE. Gupta, C., Ede, T. v. & Continella, A.https://doi.org/10.1109/SPW59333.2023.00005

Other contributions

Bortolameotti, R., van Ede, T., Continella, A., Everts, M.H., Jonker, W., Hartel, P. & Peter, A. (2019, October). Victim-Aware Adaptive Covert Channels. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks. Springer.

Bortolameotti, R., van Ede, T., Caselli, M., Everts, M. H., Hartel, P., Hofstede, R., Jonker, W. & Peter, A. (2017, December). DECANTeR: DEteCtion of Anomalous outbouNd HTTP TRaffic by Passive Application Fingerprinting. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (pp. 373-386). ACM.

Research profiles


University of Twente

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