
Wouter Hakvoort is associate professor and principal investigator in control for mechanical engineering in the department of Mechanics of Solids Surfaces and Systems, Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente. His research focus is on the integration of data with (first principle) model-based control, effected through efficient (flexible) multibody modelling, adaptive control and iterative learning control for motion control, active vibration isolation control and control of forming processes. Application areas are in precision systems, mechatronics and robotics for smart industry and high-tech industry. He received funding for 8 PhD projects on these topics of which 1 has been completed so far. The work has been published in over 30 peer-reviewed publications in the area. He is associate editor for the journal of Precision Engineering.


Wouter Hakvoort coordinates a module and a project on mechatronics in the BSc-programme of Mechanical Engineering and is the main teacher of two master courses on control in the MSc programmes of Mechanical Engineering,ย Robotics and Systems & Control. He is also chairman of the programme-related subcommittee on Robotics and Systems & Control of the examination board of the EEMCS faculty.


Wouter received his MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering cum laude from the University of Twente in 2004. He received his PhD degree from the same university in 2009 for his work on Iterative Learning Control for LTV systems with Applications to an Industrial Robot. From 2008 he gained industrial experience at DEMCON Advanced Mechatronics, being responsible for the control and system design mechatronic systems for medical and high-tech systems applications. Concurrently he was guest lecturer and researcher at the University of Twente (0.2 fte), teaching and researching on mechatronics and control. In 2017 he joined the university full-time as tenure-track assistant professor in control for mechanical engineering.


Wouter is in the Precision Engineering research lab.


  • Engineering

    • Flexure
    • Vibration Isolation
    • Design
  • Physics

    • Vibration
    • Flowmeter
    • Feedforward Control
    • Frequencies
  • Computer Science

    • Control




Mixed ๐‘ฏ๐Ÿ/๐‘ฏโˆž Controller Optimization for a Graviational Wave Telescope (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] EUSPEN Special Interest Conference 2024. Sijtsma, S., Spanjer, S. & Hakvoort, W.Sampling free iterative PCE filter for state and parameter estimation of nonlinear dynamical systems (2024)Journal of computational physics, 511. Article 113118. van Dijk, W., Hakvoort, W. B. J. & Rosić, B. domain stability and relaxed convergence conditions for filtered error adaptive feedforward (2024)International journal of adaptive control and signal processing, 38(7), 2630-2654. Spanjer, S. T., Köroğlu, H. & Hakvoort, W. B. J. thermal constraints for a precision motion system using MP (2024)In 43rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, March 26 โ€“ 28, 2024 Blankenberge, Belgium: Book of Abstracts (pp. 139). Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. van der Schaaf, J. & Hakvoort, W. Force Estimation for Flexure-based Gripper (2024)In Book of Abstracts of the 43rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control (pp. 119). Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Jonker, L.-Y., Hakvoort, W., de Jong, J. & Roozing, W. Force Estimation for Flexure-based Gripper (2024)In 43rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, March 26 โ€“ 28, 2024 Blankenberge, Belgium: Book of Abstracts (pp. 119-119). Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Jonker, L. M., Hakvoort, W. B. J., de Jong, J. J. & Roozing, W. study of artificial neural network and physics-informed neural network application in sheet metal forming (2024)In Material Forming, ESAFORM 2024: The 27th International ESAFORM Confernce on Material Forming held in Toulouse, France, April 24-26, 2024 (pp. 2278-2288) (Materials Research Proceedings; Vol. 41). Association of American Publishers. Munzone, F., Hazrati, J., Hakvoort, W. & van den Boogaard, T. and Interpretation of the Hybrid Heatpump Project (2024)[Book/Report › Report]. Ministerie van BZK. Spanjer, S. & Hakvoort, W.


Active Damping of Position Dependent Parasitic Resonances in Flexure Mechanisms (2023)In Proceedings of the 38th ASPE Annual Meeting (pp. 119-122) (Proceedings - ASPE 2023 Annual Meeting). American Society for Precision Engineering. Seinhorst, B., Nijenhuis, M. & Hakvoort, W.The Potential of Active Vibration Isolation Systems (2023)In Proceedings of the 38th ASPE Annual Meeting 2023 (pp. 11-16). Hakvoort, W., Koroglu, H. & Spanjer, S. T.

Research profiles

Current projects

Robust adaptive active vibration isolation control

Improved robustness of active vibration isolation control. Partners: MI-Parners, PM and University of Twente Funding: Top Technology Twente (Connecting Industry)

Integrating models and real-time data for zero-defect manufacturing control systems

Integration of high-fidelity physics-based models and large data-streams for zero-defect manufacturing. Application in strip steering during hot rolling. Parners: Photonis, DevControl, OSISoft, Philips, Tata Steel IJmuiden, S[&]T Corporation, KxA Software Innovations, University of Groningen and University of Twente Funding: Smart Industry - STW - NWO

Online Physics-Based Machine Learning Algorithms for the control of Precision Robotic Systems

Employing machine learning architectures to efficiently handle uncertainty in (nonlinear) physics-based models for control. Partners: Applied Mechanics and Data Analysis group (UT) Funding: internal


Mechatronic Metamaterials for Dynamic Mode Suppression

Active architectured materials for suppression of varying vibration modes. Partners: ASML, VDL, PI, DEMCON, TU Delft, University of Twente. Funding: HTSM - NWO

A data-driven model updating approach for robust optimization of (multi-stage) production processes

Digital Twin

Integration of data and models to (robustly) optimise and control multistage production processes, metal forming in particular. Parners: Philips, Tata Steel, ASM PT, TNO, Leiden University, Eindhoven University of Technology Funding: Part of the perspectief programme 'Digital Twin' funded by NWO

Finished projects


Picoliter mass flow measuring

Precise dosing of fluids for medicine and food additives by optimisation and vibration isolation control of Coriolis Mass Flow Meters. Partners: Bronkhorst HighTech, Demcon, Future Chemistry and University of Twente. Funding: Pieken in de Delta: PID 092051.


University of Twente

Horst Complex (building no. 20), room T613
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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