As an educational consultant, I offer support in the areas of educational design and (assessment) quality assurance. My specific areas of expertise are: assessment, assessment policy, the role and tasks of Examination Boards. 
I am seconded to the faculty BMS for one day per week as faculty educationalist; being part of the BMS Teaching Academy. 
I'm member of and support the Assembly of Examination Board chairs. Website administrator for  

Coordinator/trainer/assessor for:

  • Testing & Assessment course (University Examination Qualification / part of UTQ)
  • Senior University Examination Qualification (SUEQ / Dutch: Senior Kwalificatie Examinering SKE)
  • Regular and tailor-made trainings for Examination Boards 
  • Tailor-made workshops in the field of assessment | assessment policy 

Coach for: 

  • Senior University Teaching Qualification SUTQ

General assessor for:

  • University Teaching Qualification UTQ


University of Twente

Citadel (building no. 09), room H327
Hallenweg 15
7522 NH Enschede

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