In 2021 Max Berkers received his MSc in Chemistry cum laude from Radboud University. The Master's programme included a four-month research project studying electrocatalytic CO2 reduction on polycrystalline gold electrodes at the University of Leiden under professor Marc Koper, and a ten-month project in the RFB group of the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology where he worked on the electrolyte of the all-iron hybrid redox flow battery. The Master's thesis he wrote about the latter project was awarded a grade of 9.5 out of 10. 

Max started in February 2021 as a PhD candidate in the PhotoCatalytic Synthesis group (PCS) of the University of Twente. The aim of his research is the development of robust, durable electrodes for the hydrogen-bromine redox flow battery. The project is funded by the RELEASE consortium and part of a collaboration between the PCS-group and the Arnhem-based company Elestor.


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