I'm a PhD student at the Mesoscale Chemical Systems group (MCS). I work in the BuBble Gun project of dr. David Fernandez Rivas, on the thermocaviation in a microfluidic cell. 

In 2016 I obtained the Bachelor of Science degree and in 2019 the Master of Science degree, both in Applied Physics at the University of Twente. During my master's programme, I spent 6 months at the University of Aalto in Finland, working on a research project on characterizing superhydrophobic surfaces. My master thesis was on the rotational diffusion of rough colloids, where I used confocal scanning laser microscopy for 3D tracking of fluorescent labelled rough colloids.


Under supervision of dr. D. Fernandez Rivas and prof. dr. J.G.E. Gardeniers, I work on the BuBble Gun project. In this project, we want to create a new method to inject a fluid (medicin) into the human skin without using a needle. We would like to do so by building a small microfluidic chip which can shoot small jets at very high velocities, which could penetrate the skin.

My project is on the thermocaviation in this microfluidic chip. The goal is to fully understand and control the thermocavitation, induced by a laser. Using high-speed imaging, I will characterize the bubble growth and resulting jet, and vary the chip geometry, fluidic components and the laser.

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