David works as a PhD Candidate in the section of Professional Learning & Technology (PLT). The working title of his PhD position is 'Automated Analysis and Pattern Recognition of Collaboration Processes in Professional Learning Communities'; supervised by prof. dr. Maaike Endedijk, dr. Pantelis Papadopoulos and dr. Maryam Amir Heari.

His current research focuses on the automated detection of engagement and transactivity within team learning. Within this research, team meetings will be evaluated based on communication patterns, encompassing both behavioral and linguistic aspects. We hope to achieve a better understanding how collaboration unfolds during meetings, and how these processes can be measured or assessed automatically, without dependence on more subjective self-reported metrics.  

This research takes place within Learning Communities (LCs) participating in the CLIC-IT project. In this project, the University of Twente follows several learning communities working on challenges related to the digital transformation.The pratical outputs will focus on feedback at the team level, providing guidance on improving collaboration, stimulating idea generation, and fostering innovation.



University of Twente

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