Eric A. M. Klumperink (IEEE Member '98, Senior Member '06, Fellow '20) was born in Lichtenvoorde, The Netherlands, in April 1960. He received the B.Sc. degree from HTS, Enschede, in 1982. He worked in industry on digital hardware and software and then joined the University of Twente, Enschede, in 1984, shifting focus to analog CMOS integrated circuit research. This resulted in several publications and in 1997 in his Ph.D. thesis "Transconductance Based CMOS Circuits: Circuit Generation, Classification and Analysis," in which systematic circuit generation lead to the discovery of thermal noise cancelling. In 1998, he became a Professor with the IC-Design Laboratory, Twente, and shifted focus to RF CMOS circuits during a sabbatical in 2001 with Ruhr Universitaet Bochum, Germany. Since 2006, he has been an Associate Professor, teaching analog & RF IC electronics and guiding Ph.D. and M.Sc. projects in RF CMOS circuit design, with a focus on software defined radio, cognitive radio, and beamforming. He is currently Project Leader of Horizon Europe SNS Project 6G-Reference (2024-2027). He also served as an Associate Editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS-PART II: EXPRESS BRIEFS (2006-2007), IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS-PART 1: REGULAR PAPERS (2008-2009), and the IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID- STATE CIRCUITS (2010-2014); and as a Technical Program Committees Member of ISSCC (2011-2016), RFIC Symposium (2011-2021), and ESSCIRC (2019-2023). He holds 16 patents, authored, or co-authored over 200 internationally refereed journals and conference papers and was recognized as more than 20 ISSCC paper contributor over (1954-2013). Eric was a co-recipient of the ISSCC 2002 and the ISSCC 2009 "Van Vessem Outstanding Paper Award," served as an IEEE SSC Distinguished Lecturer and is an IEEE Fellow.


  • Engineering

    • Receivers
    • Mixers (Machinery)
    • Linearity
    • Filtration
    • Filters
  • Physics

    • Frequencies
    • Output
    • Sampling



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Analysis and Design of a Low-Loss 1–10 GHz Capacitive Stacking N-Path Filter/Mixer (2025)IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, 60(2), 367-381. Zijlma, E., van Zanten, S., Plompen, R., Klumperink, E. A. M., Nauta, B. & van der Zee, R. A. R. Versus Noise Trade-Offs in Resistively Driven Passive Switched-Capacitor Infinite Impulse Response Low-Pass Filters (2025)IEEE transactions on circuits and systems I: regular papers (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Plompen, R., Ponte, J., van Zanten, S., Klumperink, E. A. M. & Nauta, B.



A Wideband IF Receiver Chip for Flexibly Scalable mmWave Subarray Combining and Interference Rejection (2023)IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 71(12), 5482 - 5497. Akbar, R., Klumperink, E. A. M., Tervo, N., Stadius, K., Rahkonen, T. & Parssinen, A. Predistortion-less MIMO Transmitters (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Zanen, J. O. P. Predistortion-less Digital MIMO Transmitter with DTC-Based Quadrature Imbalance Compensation (2023)IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, 58(8), 2214-2225. Zanen, J., Klumperink, E. & Nauta, B. Years of IC Design in Twente: Some Eureka Moments (2023)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. IEEE. Klumperink, E. A. M.Linearization techniques for wideband, low-noise, CMOS software-defined radio receivers (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Kundur Subramaniyan, H.


Interference Mitigation by Adaptive Analog Spatial Filtering for MIMO Receivers (2021)IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 69(9), 4169-4179. Article 9443039. Abbasi Alaei, M., Golabighezelahmad, S., de Boer, P.-T., van Vliet, F. E., Klumperink, E. A. M. & Kokkeler, A. B. J. Robust multi-band CMOS Radio Receivers: Webinar at RFIC Virtual Journal - Distinguised Talk (2021)[Contribution to conference › Other] Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Virtual Journal (IEEE) . Klumperink, E. A. M.Multi-Receiver Cross-Correlation Technique for (B)FSK Radios (2021)IEEE Access, 9, 96791-96798. Purushothaman, V. K., Mikhael, M. R. M., Oude Alink, M. S., Klumperink, E. A. M., Kokkeler, A. B. J. & Nauta, B. Highly Selective IoT Receiver Front End With Power Optimized LNTA, Frequency Divider, and Baseband Analog FIR Filter (2021)IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, 56(7), 2007-2017. Thijssen, B. J., Klumperink, E. A. M., Quinlan, P. & Nauta, B. Harmonic Rejection Mixer Analysis and Design Based on a Filtered Periodic Impulse Model (2021)IEEE transactions on circuits and systems II: express briefs, 68(7), 2292-2296. Article 9324800. de Boer, P.-T., Oude Alink, M. S. & Klumperink, E. A. M. 0.7-5.7 GHz Reconfigurable MIMO Receiver Architecture for Analog Spatial Notch Filtering Using Orthogonal Beamforming (2021)IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, 56(5), 1527-1540. Article 9237968. Golabighezelahmad, S., Klumperink, E. A. M. & Nauta, B. receiver techniques: On filtering, power consumption and phase noise (2021)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Thijssen, B. J. efficiency model for MIMO transmitters including memory polynomial digital predistortion (2021)IEEE transactions on circuits and systems II: express briefs, 68(4), 1183-1187. Article 9211753. Zanen, J., Klumperink, E. & Nauta, B. and methods for analog finite impulse response filters (2021)[Patent › Patent]. Analog Devices International. Thijssen, B. J., Klumperink, E. A. M., Quinlan, P. & Nauta, B. Predistortion-less digital transmitter with –50 dB ACLR exploiting output conductance linearization (2021)IEEE Solid State Circuits Letters, 4, 162-165. Zanen, J., Klumperink, E. & Nauta, B.

Other contributions

If you are an IEEE member you can get a quick idea of  my research interests checking the review paper "Interference Robust CMOS Radio Receiver Circuits": RFIC Virtual Journal issue by Klumperink and Molnar

Research profiles

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Previous Research Projects:


University of Twente

Carré (building no. 15), room C2631
Hallenweg 23
7522 NH Enschede

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